Overview of health in the Parson Russell Terrier
The Parson Russell Terrier (PRT) remains a healthy breed, in part due to its recent, and in many cases, on-going role as a working dog. The healthy status of the PRT is acknowledged by the Kennel Club, with the breed being placed in Category One of the KC Breed Watch Scheme, indicating there are no current or emerging concerns regarding the health of the breed.
The main focus of health in the PRT has recently centred around the diseases where DNA tests for disease causing genetic mutations are available. While these DNA tests are vital in helping to improve health and ultimately eradicate disease within a breed, it is important to recognise that many factors affect the health of an individual or population from conception onwards. Selection for breeding individuals must include more than just heath screening, however, with temperament, breed type characteristics and genetic diversity requiring consideration. We all want our dogs to live happy and healthy lives and regardless of breed, health starts with the selection of good breeding stock followed by appropriate nutrition, exercise, preventative and appropriate veterinary treatment and meeting behavioural needs.

Health Issues in Parson Russell Terriers
A message from Sarah Broadberry, Breed Health Co-ordinator
This short, confidential survey aims to provide an opportunity for owners to give feedback on the health of their Parson Russell Terriers (PRT). The survey is aimed at ALL UK registered PRT owners, whether you are a pet owner, an exhibitor, breeder, compete in agility or canicross etc or all of the above. We are extremely grateful for you finding the time to complete this survey and the information we collect is valuable to us. Any information you provide is treated with the strictest confidence and is for the sole use of the Parson Russell Terrier Club. Statistics and analyses generated from the survey will be published on the PRT Club’s website/social media and in Newsletters, but no dogs or owners’ names will be identifiable.
The survey is launched every four years to enable us to build a picture of the health status of the breed. From previous surveys, it is clear the PRT remains a healthy breed, however, we must not be complacent and we need to be vigilant for any existing / emerging conditions in our breed.
It is very important that even if your PRTs have never suffered from any disease that you still complete the survey.
Any concerns, please let Sarah know via email:
DNA testing in the Parson Russell Terrier
In recent years the breed has seen the introduction of DNA testing for single gene mutations. Genetic diseases which can be currently tested for in the Parson Russell Terrier are Primary Lens Luxation (PLL), Late Onset Ataxia (LOA), Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA) and most recently Urate Stones (Canine Hyperuricosuria / HUU). The advantage of these DNA tests is that they are performed once in a dog’s lifetime, or after three or four generations of breeding from clear dogs. A summary of the key features surrounding these diseases and interpretation of DNA results is outlined below.
What does DNA testing my dog involve?
Puppies can be DNA tested from at least four weeks of age and must be weaned to prevent contamination of the sample with the mother’s DNA. A cheek swab is used to collect cells for DNA analysis. Only swabs issued by a approved test issuing institute may be used, and are issued once the tests have been purchased . The Parson Russell Terrier Club requires all samples to be taken by a veterinary surgeon.
What do I do now Combi Tests are gone?
From the Kennel Club (November 2022)
As you will be aware, The Kennel Club has withdrawn our previous DNA testing product, CombiBreed, and have been working to relaunch a new and improved tool for owners and breeders. The new product, set to be released on the 1st November 2022, will be named The Kennel Club’s DNA Testing Services, and we have made some changes to the JRT and PRT bundle that we want to make you aware of.
Following customer feedback we are excited to announce that the new product will be carried out by Weatherbys Scientific in Ireland, using top of the range equipment and in-house testing for the majority of tests, which will provide a more streamlined and efficient service.
In terms of changes to the product itself, DNA profiling will be included as standard for your breeds' bundles, which importantly will be using the industry’s gold standard technique for profiling, producing a ISAG 2020 SNP profile. We are also pleased to announce that parentage verification will be available as an additional product for all breeds. The three previous DNA tests, LOA, SCA, and PLL, will be provided as before.

Primary Lens Luxation (PLL)
In affected dogs the fibres supporting the lens breakdown or disintegrate, causing the lens to fall into the wrong position within the eye. If the lens falls into the anterior chamber of the eye, glaucoma and loss of vision can quickly result, accompanied by pain. Lens luxation may also arise from trauma and as yet, unidentified genetic mutations.
Late Onset Ataxia (LOA)
Affected dogs begin showing signs of cerebellar ataxia (loss of muscle coordination leading to an altered gait and loss of balance) between 6 and 1 year of age. The coordination difficulties become more severe and the affected dogs are often euthanized by 2 years of age due to poor quality of life.
Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA)
Affected dogs show progressive signs of cerebellar ataxia (loss of muscle coordination) as early as 2-6 months of age. The majority of cases also develop myokymia (involuntary twitching of the muscles) which also becomes progressively worse with age. A small percentage of dogs with SCA have true epileptic seizures, some as young as 10 weeks of age. Most dogs with SCA are euthanized young due to poor quality of life.
KC registration papers may show the hereditary status of a dog. This status is based on the mode of inheritance for the disease, as a result of known status in both parents. It is not necessary to DNA test this dog to determine its DNA status for a particular disease. It is however recommended that hereditary clears are DNA tested every three or four generations of breeding from clears.
Data Calculated to 31/12/2020 The following summary covers the results of all breeds that have had Kennel Club registered dogs DNA tested under an official Kennel Club DNA testing scheme in the last 15 years. This data is further broken down by test result. The data only reflects results submitted to the Kennel Club either via the owners or testing laboratory. (Copyright of the Kennel Club)

Another form of hereditary ataxia called Neonatal Granuloprival Ataxia (NGA) has been recognised, though the genetic mutation still needs to be identified. Unlike SCA and LOA, difficulties co-ordinating and walking are present from the time they begin to walk. NGA is the result of degeneration of the granular layer of the cerebellum.
The Animal Health Trust and the University of Missouri have found a small number of dogs exhibiting cerebellar ataxia, with onset starting after weaning. It is suggested that this may be another hereditary form of ataxia or may be an acquired cause.
A genetic mutation common to many breeds, DNA testing for Urate Stones is a newly available test and is currently viewed as a precautionary until the prevalence of Urate Stones in Parson Russell Terriers is established. Currently no Parson Russell Terriers have been tested, beyond those used in the initial research programme. Affected dogs excrete uric acid, leading to the formation of urinary calculi (stones), which many then necessitate surgery. Dogs from susceptible breeds that experience problems urinating freely should be referred for veterinary advice immediately.
Some further sources of information
The Kennel Club website provides a wealth of information on dog health in general and specific to breeds.
Within the Kennel Club main site there is a health area where tools useful to breeders and pet owners can be found, most notably Mate Select and the Health Tests Results Finder.
This enables the inbreeding coefficient (indicating relatedness) of individuals and potential matings to be calculated and provides the average inbreeding coefficient of the breed to be looked up. Mate Select is therefore a useful tool for managing the genetic diversity of a breed in order to minimise the risk of future genetic problems arising.
As part of the Mate Select service offered on the KC website, the Health Tests Results Finder allows you to search for health results for any dog registered on the Kennel Club’s Breed Register. Results from a BVA/KC health scheme and official KC DNA testing schemes are available.