2021 Club Show Results
Spring Open Show
Judge: Nicola Spencer (Bannonbrig)
Best in Show: Bigland’s - Heythrop Tangletop
Reserve Best in Show: Bigland’s - Heythrop Taggert
Best Opposite Sex: Bigland’s - Heythrop Taggert
Best Dog: Bigland’s - Heythrop Taggert
Reserve Best Dog: Newport’s - Cudweed's Master Of The Hounds (IMP DNK) JW
Best Bitch: Bigland’s - Heythrop Tangletop
Reserve Best Bitch: Newport’s - Digaden Tip Top JW
Best Veteran: Bigland’s - Heythrop Tiffin
Best Veteran Dog: Highfield’s- Bradpole Beau Of Guestwick
Best Veteran Bitch: Bigland’s - Heythrop Tiffin
Best Puppy is Show: Bowden’s - Mindlen Mahican In Chellowside;
Best Puppy Dog: Bowden’s - Mindlen Mahican In Chellowside;
Best Puppy Bitch: Young’s - Chadbrook Affirmation
Firstly thank you to the Officers and Committee of The Parson Russell Terrier Club for endeavouring to make this show happen amongst the constrictions of the pandemic. For many of us this was the first time out enjoying a dog show since Crufts 2020 and I am sure it proved to be an absolute tonic for many as it certainly was for me, enjoying the company of great dogs with their lovely owners and in glorious sunshine. It was a tremendous honour to be invited to undertake this particular appointment, in a breed that has become very dear to my heart in recent years. Dogs and exhibitors all coped brilliantly with the protocols imposed by Covid restrictions.
Given the restrictions many have endured in lockdown all of the dogs were an absolute credit to their owners in disposition, presentation and muscle conditioning. Coat and skin were generally excellent as were temperaments. I found lots of lovely heads with excellent dentition, expressive eyes and dogs that were very sound and balanced in their conformation.
As a small observation, in a couple of instances there were some dogs who impressed in their type, particularly quality heads with excellent ears and the correct ratio in length relative to height but then lost points in front construction with very short, steep upper arms which threw out the balance of their overall conformation and impinged on movement. This rendered some to be wide in front and not with the required moderate width between the forelegs. There were no isues with spanning though some were a little too cobby through the body suggesting a little too much spring in rib. There were a couple of dogs with very flat, splayed feet deficient in padding which could seriously compromise the capability of any dog let alone a terrier. A small minority had loose or oversized ears.
Ultimately, to have 50 dogs present with such an overall depth of quality was a gift but one which made for some very tough decisions to make between the top placings in some classes however I was very pleased with my final line-ups. In particular I felt my bitch line-up had outstanding strength across the piece with plenty of type and quality to choose from; it was a joy to see them all lined up together.
Thank you all for a thoroughly enjoyable day.
Veteran Dog (1, 0)
Highfield’s- Bradpole Beau Of Guestwick; Hard to believe this gentleman will be 14 in a few months. Decent head with the correct ratio in skull to muzzle and correctly shaped, well placed ears of proportionate size. Presents a balanced picture length relative to height and correct
Minor Puppy Dog (1,0)
McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Luthien; Tan & White. Presents a balanced, clean outline. Well proportioned head with the correct shaping through the skull and shallow stop. Strong neck with a good layback of shoulder into good topline with rise over the loin into a well set tail with excellent carriage. Chest just to the elbow with strong parallel forelegs. Good width to the first and second thigh with enough angulation in rear and low set hocks. Thick skin with a harsh jacket. Altogether a tidy, very promising pup who pushed hard for the BPD challenge.
Puppy Dog (2,0)
Bowden’s - Mindlen Mahican In Chellowside; What a very smart tricolour youngster. Loved the head and expression on this boy. Wedge shaped head of correct proportions with the required flat and moderately broad skull. Dark eyes, well-shaped giving that keen expression. He’s cleanly built all through with no exaggeration. Well made through the neck and shoulder with nice, tight elbows. Well angulated in front with good length to his upper arm. Appropriate depth of chest, easily spanned. Firm topline with gentle shaping through the loin. Tail correctly set with excellent carriage. Very well muscled all through. Dense, close-fitting coat of excellent texture. Best Puppy Dog & Best Puppy in Show.
Smith’s - Chadbrook Havoc; Tan & White. Soundly made with pleasing movement when he eventually settled. Well pigmented eye with true expression. Has more fill in cheek than the winner with a little more stop though otherwise correctly proportioned skull to muzzle length with decent ears. Well made through the neck and shoulder. Firm topline with an excellent tailset. Good feet. Well made through the hindquarters with hocks well let down.
Junior Dog (1,0)
Brown’s - Afinlea Pale Tussock; Striking White who presents a clean outline. Good balance in head comparing skull to muzzle with decent wedge shape. Keen, expressive dark eye with good pigmentation. Spans easily. Ribbed well back. Strong through the loin. Decent skin and coat. Firm topline with good set on of tail. A little steep through the upper arm and could have more angulation in the rear. Needs to come together better on the move but still very much a baby.
Yearling Dog (0 Entries)
Novice Dog (1,0)
Sorrell’s- Tegtaran Tiff Toff; Tight coated dog with good skin and jacket. Head of decent proportions with good strength through the neck. Clean across the shoulder into a firm topline. In profile looks balanced height to length. Firm pasterns in front. A little untidy in rear movement at times though he has good angulation behind with plenty strength through the first and second thigh. Spans easily.
Beginners Dog (1,0)
Smith’s- Chadbrook Havoc; Repeat.
Post Graduate Dog (7,1)
Knight’s - Just Top Russell To Pacolito (IMP BLR) ;Tan & White. Towards the top end for size but very well proportioned within his frame and stands true front and back which makes him very striking. Head of decent proportions with shallow stop. Lovely expression. Strong neck of good length sits well into a good layback of shoulder. Ample length and angulation of upper arm. Firm topline. Well ribbed back and strong through the loin. Ample angulation in rear and firm through his well let down hocks. Presents a clean balanced outline. Best mover in the class.
Hall’s - Frithgarth Master Of The World; Smart Tricolour. Another top end for size. Scores in head and ear. Lovely expression to his correctly shaped eye. Clearly wedge shaped head with correct proportions in length of slightly shorter muzzle to skull. Strong neck. Well made in front with plenty angulation through the upper arm and shoulder. Not quite as balanced comparing leg to body ratio as the winner. Decent length of ribs and short coupled. Muscular hindquarters with plenty strength through the first and second thighs. Close fitting dense jacket.
McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Chess
Limit Dog (2,0)
Newport’s - Cudweed's Master Of The Hounds (IMP DNK) JW; Very striking, tidy Tricolour and what an absolute showman. Decent head with correctly shaped and sized eye of good colour. Keen expression. Super proportions length to height and good size overall. Very well muscled all through with particularly well made hindquarters. Excellent topline and tailset. Would like a little more return through the upper arm but otherwise he is very sound in his build. Excellent coat and skin. Reserve Best Dog.
Hall’s - Frithgarth Stone Meadow White; Very different in type to one. Dark eye with keen expression. Loose ears which he tends to fly. Stands true in front with good feet. Ample ribbing for his size. Well muscled in rear but narrower through the second thigh with less angulation in rear. Tidy enough mover.
Open Dog (5,0)
Bigland’s - Heythrop Taggert; Workmanlike Tan & White Smooth in great hard condition. Correct balance in head, wedge shaped with shallow stop. Excellent ears of proportionate size. Lovely dark eye of correct size and shape. Nicely proportioned all through and stands true front and rear. Firm topline and tail well set on. Strong hindquarters which lent to his excellent movement. Well coated all over with his dense jacket of excellent texture. Best Dog
Hooley’s - Hoolmark Johnny Guitar; Tan & White. Well balanced all through with lots of appeal. Super head, correctly proportioned with lovely expression. Cleanly made though his strong neck and shoulders into firm, strong topline with excellent tailset. Nice, tight elbows. Well ribbed back and strong through the loin. Plenty strength in hindquarters with good muscling through the first and second thigh. Another with excellent skin and coat.
Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Trickshot For Alncroft
Veteran Bitch (4, 0)
Bigland’s - Heythrop Tiffin; Very soundly made Tricolour. Correctly shaped head with keen dark eye and true expression. Well muscled all through. Strong neck. Excels in front and rear. Good topline and tailset. Excellent harsh, dense coat. Best Veteran in Show
Shelton’s - Boultmoor True Delight; Tan & White who appeals for excellent type. Lovely head with well proportioned skull to muzzle. Excellent well set ear of correct shape and size. Clean through the neck and shoulder. Excellent topline and tailset.
Brown’s - Afinlea Speckled Wood
Minor Puppy Bitch (2,1)
McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Islay; White & Tan. Nicely made girl coming up 8 months. Flat skull, tidy ears and lovely expression to her dark eye. Super front and rear assembly with good angulation in both. Firm pasterns in front with tight elbows. When she settled showed off how very well balanced she is at this stage. Excellent dense coat of good texture.
Puppy Bitch (3,0)
Young’s - Chadbrook Affirmation. Tan & White with lots to like. Wedge shaped head, a little fuller in cheek at the moment but has correct shaping through the skull and a lovely eye. Good return in upper arm and clean though the layback of shoulder. Strong neck into firm topline with excellent tailset. Well put together in hindquarters. Super dense coat. Excellent feet. Harsh coat all through. Best Puppy Bitch and Reserve Best Puppy in Show.
Chalkley’s - Forgefox Fancy Free. Really liked this tricolour for her super breed type. Not quite as settled in her frame as the winner but I’m sure that will come with time and ring experience as all the essentials are there. Excels in head, eye and ear. Particularly lovely eye and expression. Well ribbed back and strong through the couplings. Excellent skin and coat.
Kirkby’s - Mindlen Miami
Junior Bitch (4,2)
Bigland’s - Heythrop Topsyturvey; Headed up two lovely youngsters in this class. Lovely head and eye with well placed ears of good size and shape. Strong neck of good length. Well proportioned all through with sound build. Firm topline and tailset. Hindquarters well developed with good muscling to the thighs. Very steady in movement.
Steele’s - Digaden Fancy Your Chances For Woodheale; Tricolour of good proportions height to length. Head of correct shape and proportions with expressive eye. Firm topline and excellent tailset. Plenty length through the ribbing. Another with well developed muscling to the hindquarters. Hocks well let down. Excellent skin and coat.
Yearling Bitch (3,0)
Newport’s - Digaden Spill The Beans; Tan & White. Very well balanced. Excellent for size and proportions all through. Cleanly made through neck and shoulder. Well made in front. Good ribbing with shot couplings and strength over the loin. Strong pasterns front and back. Firm toplne and tailset. Excellent tailset and carriage.
Kannagara’s - Pringer's She's Queen; Wedge shaped head with well set ear of proportionate size. Dark expressive eye. More upright in front than the winner with less angulation to the hindquarters. Good length to neck. Shorter in ribs with more length to the loin. Stands on well cushioned feet with low set hocks. Well muscled.
Chaffe’s - Mollilli Simply Zelda
Novice Bitch (3,1)
Bigland’s - Heythrop Tangletop; For me this tricolour girl captures plenty of the breed standard, fulfilling many of the desired characteristics without exaggeration, and with good balance all through. Correctly proportioned head of typical shape with a moderately broad, flat skull and enough strength whilst being ultra feminine. Cleanly built trough the neck and shoulder with excellent topline and tailset. It’s all there to see on the move – she gaits absolutely true both in profile and on the back and to and oh so feminine with the. Excellent coat and skin. Beautifully presented. A very exciting youngster. Pleased to award her Best Bitch & Best in Show.
Chaffe’s - Mollilli Simply Zelda; White & Tan. Good shape in head with pretty expression. Her ears were flying for most of the time which detracted from the balance of her head. Strong neck. Well made in rib. Not so tidy in front ; shorter in upper arm and wider in front than the winner. Excellent skin and jacket. Decent proportions length to height.
Beginners Bitch (0 Entries)
Post Graduate Bitch (5, 1)
Hobson’s - Partridgdale Bluebell; White & Tan. So much quality in this girl. Super head with keen, expressive eye. Strong neck. Nice straight front of appropriate width. Well laid shoulders. Could have a little more length in upper arm. Excellent topline and tailset. Ribbed well back. Hindquarters well developed. Excellent feet. Hocks low set. Excellent skin and coat.
Newport’s - Digaden Runner Bean; Tan & White. Balanced head with shallow stop. Dark, expressive eye. Strong neck with shoulders well laid back. Plenty length in rib with firm topline. A little cobbier in build through the trunk but still spans well. Preferred rear movement of winner. Well presented with excellent skin and coat.
Kannagara’s - Pringer's She's Queen
Limit Bitch (8,0)
Outstanding class and I’m sure the top two will swap and change places over time.
Chalkley’s - Forgefox Fanfare; Very pretty tricolour. Super head of correct wedge shape, minimal stop, moderately broad flat skull and well placed ears. Excellent balance to skull and muzzle. Beautiful expression to the eye which is dark and of correct size and shape. Well put together through neck and shoulder. Excellent coat of coarse texture with good skin. Well muscled. Excellent ribs and loin. Appropriate angulation in rear with well developed muscles. Excellent topline and tailset. Moved out very well.
Bowden’s - Movie Star At Chellowside. Beautifully feminine. Another with a super head, eye and ears. Excellent length of neck. Stands true in front on good feet. Well made in neck and shoulder. Plenty length through the ribs. Short coupled. Good balance between body depth and length of leg. Well presented in excelent coat and muscle condition. Steady, sound movement.
Newport’s - Digaden Miss Marigold
Open Bitch (6,1)
Newport’s - Digaden Tip Top JW; Nicely built Tan & White. Correctly shaped head of balanced proportions. Lovely eye and expression. Strongly made in neck. Well made through rib and couplings. Ample length of leg relative to depth in body. Good width and muscling through first and second thigh with well turned stifles. Excellent feet. Dense coat of good texture. Low set, sturdy hocks. Sound mover. Reserve Best Bitch.
Highfield’s - Bradpole Beauty; Feminine white & tan of pleasing type. Head of good shape and balance, expressive dark eye and well sized ears. Strong neck of good length. Well made shoulders. Excellent topline and tailset. Excellent skin and coat. Just preferred rear movement of one.
Newport’s - Digaden Made To Measure
Summer Open Show
Judge: Mr Philip Greenway
Best in Show: Dayman & Coles’s - Ch Pacolito Phinal Edition;
Reserve Best in Show: Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Trickshot For Alncroft
Best Opposite Sex: Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Trickshot For Alncroft
Best Dog: Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Trickshot For Alncroft
Reserve Best Dog: Newport’s - Ch Digaden Pitch Perfect
Best Bitch: Dayman & Coles’s - Ch Pacolito Phinal Edition;
Reserve Best Bitch: Roberts & Murray’s - Mindlen Mic Mac at Heythrop;
Best Veteran: Bigland’s - Heythrop Tiffin
Best Veteran Bitch: Bigland’s - Heythrop Tiffin;
Best Puppy is Show: McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Luthien
Best Puppy Dog: McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Luthien
Best Puppy Bitch: Chalkley’s - Forgefox Fancy Free
Firstly, I wish Jen Bowden (Chellowside) a speedy recovery from her accident which precluded her from being able to judge. I was delighted to assist the club at the ‘eleventh hour’ by bringing my 2022 Open Show appointment forward as the replacement judge.
I was very conscious that this was Jen’s entry and would like to thank all the exhibitors for their support in showing under me. Many thanks to Club Committee for granting me the opportunity to judge at this super event which also staged the Club Championship Show earlier the same morning.
Arriving just after the Championship Show had finished I had some time to relax after a fraught journey trying to get to the venue, circumnavigating the many closed roads around Rugeley caused by the ‘Iron Man’ cycling event. I was two miles from the show but it then took exactly 1 hour 13 minutes to get into the village and was somewhat relieved not to have arrived late!
Thanks to my extremely hard working stewards (especially in the heat) and to the Club for their lovely gifts.
Puppy Dog
McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Luthien; Smart puppy, well balanced, correct bite and of a lovely shape and size. Liked the balance of head and expression. Sound mover. BPD & BPIS
Junior Dog
McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Havoc; A yearling excelling in head qualities and expression. Good dentition. Up to size. Moved accurately.
Post Graduate Dog
Hruskova’s - Bourbon Beatific Beast (Imp CZE); 2 years. Good for coat, spanned OK. Correct feet and topline. A touch wide coming towards me at times but then began to settle.
Limit Dog
Young’s - Chadbrook Sunfire; Good for size. Attractive well balanced head. Neat front and super rear angulations. Movement was true, accurate and purposeful. Close call over -
Christensen’s - Cudweed’s Master of the Hounds (Imp DNK) JW; Lovely overall shape size and balance. Super head qualities. Moved OK but I felt it was clearly affected by the heat of the really hot midday sun.
Open Dog
Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Trickshot For Alncroft; Beautifully balanced and shown in superb condition and he gave his all. Lovely head qualities, shoulder and rear angulations. Moved true and accurate. BD, BOS & RBIS
Newport’s - Ch Digaden Pitch Perfect; Nicely put together. Super head and eyes. Well laid shoulder and excellent topline. Correct feet. Sound honest mover and unaffected by the heat. RBD.
Hooley’s - Hoolmark Johnny Guitar; Well balanced. Not quite the movement of 1 and 2.
Veteran Bitch
Two lovely ones
Bigland’s - Heythrop Tiffin; Nicely constructed bitch of lovely size and shape which really appealed. Neat front and feet. Excellent condition. BVIS
Hooley’s - Ch Hoolmark Boppin Robyn JW; Another lovely one, also presented in super condition. Moved really well.
Puppy Bitch
Chalkley’s - Forgefox Fancy Free; 10 months. Most attractive head. Lovely shape and size. Super coat. Excellent span. Moved with accuracy and precision. BPB & RBPIS
Young’s - Chadbrook Affirmation; 9 months old. Attractive head with lovely eyes, ears and dentition. Slightly longer than 1. Good angulations. Impressive mover.
McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Islay; Another lovely puppy and really enjoyed the whole thing!
Junior Bitch
Bigland’s - Heythrop Topsyturvey; 1 year old. Impressive overall size and shape. Good to span. Nicely angulated. Moved free and accurate. Shown well. One to watch.
Beginners Bitch
Chaffe’s - Mollilli Simply Zelda; Nicely balanced overall. OK for head. Was a little unsettled on the move but appeared to gain confidence as she progressed in the class.
Post Graduate Bitch
Roberts & Murray’s - Mindlen Mic Mac at Heythrop; Won an excellent class which was packed with quality. This promising youngster produces a stunning profile, spans so well and is well constructed. Beautiful head, neck and shoulders. Moved so well. A champion in the making. RBB
Bigland’s - Heythrop Tangletop; Another one which impressed. Lovely shape and size. Super coat and condition. Moved really well.
Newport’s - Digaden Spill The Beans; Completed an excellent trio of bitches. Good for shape and outline. Attractive feminine head. Moved well.
Limit Bitch
McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Elka; Impressive on the stand and equally so when examined. Great shape and backline, spans well. Extremely accurate mover which just gave her the edge over 2.
Newport’s - Digaden Miss Marigold; This 22 month old is good for shape and size. Loved her balanced head and expression. Moved well. In excellent condition.
Chalkley’s - Forgefox Fanfare; Nicely balanced moved well when settled.
Open Bitch
Dayman & Coles’s - Ch Pacolito Phinal Edition; Really impressive showgirl and really knows how to show off her virtues! Balanced head with excellent dentition. Super expression. Lovely reach of neck, neat straight front, correct angulated shoulders and backline. Moved accurately without exaggeration. BB & BIS
Newport’s -Digaden Tiptop JW; Good for head qualities and dentition. Proves a balanced outline. Moved well. Not yet back in full coat.
Roberts & Murray’s - Mindlen Moccasin; Beautiful head. Spanned well. Slightly longer cast than 1 & 2. Sound true mover.
Brace Class
Digaden Just So JW.; Just so typey in head. Lovely balance and shape
Forgefox Fancy Free; Well balanced and matched. Not so settled as 1 when moving.
Special Award Classes
Judge: Rebecca Blair (Tamesiseatum)
Thank you for this opportunity to judge at the PRT show, and I appreciate the exhibitors for their entries especially on this very hot day.
Special Award Class Junior Dog or Bitch
Heythrop Topsyturvey. a good size and well-muscled bitch, spannable, in proportion, nice straight moment, was lacking little in drive, but understandable in the heat.
Special Award Class Post Graduate Dog or Bitch
Heythrop Tangletop. Feminine; well-defined stop, good length of neck, balanced rear with good angulation, straight in front
Mindlen Mic Mac at Heythrop; Good sized bitch, suitable length of neck, moved well
Special Award Open Dog or Bitch
Mindlen Moccasin. Good topline, easily spanned, tail set nicely, moved well in the heat with a gate to cover groun
Heythrop Taggert. Nice dog, however just didn’t settle as well as he has in the past today for his handler
July Championship Show
Judge: Harold Gay (Malsville)
Best in Show: Smith and Moon’s - Ch Alncroft I Spy
Reserve Best in Show: Dayman and Cole’s - Ch Pacolito Phinal Edition
Best Opposite Sex: Smith’s - Ch Heythrop Task Master for Alncoft
Dog CC: Smith’s - Ch Heythrop Task Master for Alncoft
Reserve Dog CC: Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Trickshot For Alncoft
Bitch CC: Smith and Moon’s - Ch Alncroft I Spy
Reserve Bitch CC: Dayman and Cole’s - Ch Pacolito Phinal Edition
Best Veteran in Show: Smith and Moon’s - Ch Alncroft I Spy
Best Puppy is Show: McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Luthien
Best Puppy Dog: McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Luthien
Best Puppy Bitch: Young’s - Chadbrook Affirmation
I was delighted to be invited to judge the Parson Russell Championship show. The extensive road closures, due to an Iron Man event around Colton, delayed the start and unfortunately meant some exhibitors could not make it. Perfectly understood on possibly the hottest day of the year.
Since I last judged the breed some aspects of the dogs are better but there are points that I think are worth considering. The entry, even before the Iron Man closures, was heavily biased towards bitches. Dogs need to be exhibited to ensure the future of the breed and whilst I understand that some have a preference of one sex over the other work perhaps needs to be done encourage the dog entry. The higher bitch classes were exceptional. Overall heads have generally improved as has the movement. The fox terrier influences on these aspects seem to have receded. The dogs on the day were all well shown and overall balance seems to have improved. However, some exhibits were difficult to span and height was perhaps over the 14 inches expected. The Kennel Club is very keen to ensure dogs are fit for function. Given the Parson is meant to be a working dog, a big chest and a long leg length would make that difficult for the original task. Many of the dogs were not as well muscled behind, obviously the last year has been difficult, but roadwork is needed to keep the Parson fit enough to follow the hounds. The other point that needs to be kept an eye on is back length, as long loins meant some were too long in back. “slightly longer than height...” is there for a reason. The stress being on slightly.
Thanks again to the Parson club and in particular my stewards for an interesting and enjoyable day.
Minor Puppy
No entries
Puppy Dog
McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Luthien; A puppy who moved with balance of nice shape and size. Spanned. Good run of neck to shoulder Pleasing head and eye. BPD, BPIS
Junior Dog
Yearling Dog
No Entries
Novice Dog
No entries
Graduate Dog
No entries
Post Graduate Dog
Chaffe’s - Bourbon Beatfic Beast; A head that was slightly longer in muzzle. Deeper in chest than I would have liked but had a good back line and angulaLon when stood needed to settle on the move.
Limit Dog
Newport’s - Cudweed’s Master of the Hounds JW; Good head eye and ear nice shape moved with balance. Good angulalon and drive. Straight front
McCluskey’s Chadbrook Sunfire. Straight front good drive behind not as well balanced as 1, excellent outline.
Open Dog
Collis’s Ripplington See Your Dreams; A bigger dog of excellent shape, good ear and eye, just spannable. Moved positvely with good angulation behind.
Bigland’s - Heythrop Taggert; Smaller type of good size, moved well. Head not as pleasing as 1, good outline
Hooley’s - Johnny Guitar; Would have preferred a better head. Did not settle on the move being a little close in front and lacking in rear drive
Champion Dog
Smith’s - Ch Heythrop Task Master for Alncoft; Well balanced dog who moved well, good run of neck to shoulder good back line everything a champion should be. DCC BOS
Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Trickshot For Alncoft; Moved well with good reach and drive, head and ears as one would expect. Body and outline balanced RDCC
Roberts and Murray’s - Ch IR Ch Foxthorn Tomahawk. Lost out today to two excellent examples the difference for me was a slightly less pleasing head and a very slightly deeper chest. Moved well.
Veteran Dog
No Entries
Minor Puppy Bitch
1 Absent
Puppy Bitch
Young’s - Chadbrook Affirmation; Head ear and eye nicely put together. Spanned Ok. Nice outline perhaps a little longer in back than some. Good angulation behind and moved positively when settled.
McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Islay; Exciting young bitch who was excited to be out and about. Once she learns her trade think the potential is there to go far.
Junior Bitch
Bigland’s - Heythrop Topsyturvey; Nice sized, easily spannable, moved well with good drive. Adequate angulaLon behind.
Yearling Bitch
Newport’s - Digaden Spill The Beans; Feminine bitch with pleasing head well placed ear and a good eye. Spanned nicely, straight in front, reasonable angulaLon behind. Moved well with drive and reach.
Chaffe’s - Mollilli Simply Zelda; Lighter bitch that did not seJle on the move. Straight in front. Would have preferred a beJer head.
Novice Bitch
Kannagra’s - Pringers She’s a Queen; Spanned well, moved with reach and drive behind, finer in head than some, nice run in of neck, shorter in rib.
Graduate Bitch
Chaffe’s - Pacolito Rumourmonger; Good shape and size with pleasing head and well placed ear, could be shorter in back, straight in front, good angulalon behind. Movement was adequate
Kannagra’s - Sherosco Christmas Rose; Finer head with the grey whiskers of a veteran Moved well for her age but outclassed by youth.
Post Graduate Bitch
Robert and Murray’s - Mindlen Mic Mac at Heythrop; Good shape, size and pleasing outline, excellent head, straight in front with good angulalon behind. Moved well
Bigland’s - Heythrop Tangletop; Finer in head than 1 but great shape, straight in front, would prefer more angulaLon to rear, moved well
Young’s - Chadbrook Sphynx; Good head, moved well. Outline not as pleasing.
Limit Bitch
Nixon’s - Gonetoground I Have a Dream; Smaller bitch of great shape and size. excellent head, perhaps a liJle elegant in neck but overall well balanced. Straight in front good angulation behind moved well.
Newport’s - Digaden Miss Marigold; Bitch with an excellent head, good shape and outline. Good angulaLon behind moved well
McCluskey’s - Chadbook Elka
Open Bitch
Roberts and Murray’s - Mindlen Moccassin; Good shape and size, easily spanned, well-formed head with an excellent ear. Straight front, good angulation, moved well. A balanced bitch that outclassed the excellent opposition.
Young’s - Ch Chadbrook Electra; Great shape and size, spans well, not as good in head as one. Moved well but has a tendency to over extend at the rear when standing
Smith’s - Ch Alncroft Tussle; Pleasing shape and outline a little longer in the back than 1 and 2
Champion Bitch
Dayman and Cole’s - Ch Pacolito Phinal Edition; Excellent head, ear and eye, good outline, nice run in of neck to shoulder with no exaggeration. Straight in front with a rear that provided drive on the move. RBIS, RBB,
Young’s - Ch Chadbrook Electra
Hooley’s - Ch Hoolmark Belle Starr; Excellent bitch was just a little longer in the back and on the day was not as strong in movement as her fellow Champions
Veteran Bitch
Smith and Moon’s - Ch Alncroft I Spy; What can be said about this bitch that as not already been written before, I joined her fanclub way back in 2013, and what was written then “moderate bitch who is excellent in such moderation, there is no extreme at all, everything breathes Parson Russell & she moves with free reach & drive” still applies. BIS,BB,BVIS
Hooley’s -Ch Hoolmark Boppin Robyn JW.; Well formed bitch of good size that moved well
Biglands - Heythrop Tiffin; A smaller bitch of lovely type. Straight in front, good run of neck to shoulder. Angulation good be better, still moved well
Brace Class
Chalkley’s Forge Fox brace. A well balanced couple, who once settled after their hurried arrival, made on admirable brace
The Barry Jone Special Progeny Class
Bigland’s Progeny from Heythop Tiffin; Progeny classes are always interesting. To see what has flowed down a breeding line is always good and this collection from Heythrop Tiffen did not disappoint.
September Championship Show
Judge: Stuart Plane (Stuane)
Best in Show: Smith’s -Ch Heythrop Task Master for Alncroft
Reserve Best in Show: Dayman & Cole’s - Ch Pacolito Phinal Edition
Best Opposite Sex: Dayman & Cole’s - Ch Pacolito Phinal Edition
Dog CC: Smith’s -Ch Heythrop Task Master for Alncroft
Reserve Dog CC: Manson’s - Vixenview Knightsbridge
Bitch CC: Dayman & Cole’s - Ch Pacolito Phinal Edition
Reserve Bitch CC: Holland’s - Foxfur Capri
Best Veteran in Show: Bigland’s - Heythrop Tiffin
Best Puppy is Show: Manson’s - Foxfir Macallan
Best Puppy Dog: Manson’s - Foxfir Macallan
Best Puppy Bitch: Hughes’ - Ruffntuff Rush of Love
The Parson Russell Terrier Club show was held in conjunction with Birmingham National. The hard working committee made every effort to decorate the ring and to ensure all ran smoothly and as individual as possible. My thanks to all especially such an efficient steward.
Puppy Dog
Manson’s - Foxfir Macallan; A tan headed dog with a lovely eye and expression, neat ear and stands with a true front which is well boned but not too heavy, lovely rib and substance but still spannable,a steady showman in immaculate condition. Best Puppy in Show.
Junior Dog
McCluskey’s - Chadbrrok Luthien; A tan and white headed dog with a pleasing head, correct mouth, not using his ears so well but has a great expression, true front, well placed shoulders , spans ok, has some ticking in his coat but the texture is correct. Good on the move.
Smith’s - Chadbrook Havoc; Attractively marked head, half tan and half white, lovely eye and expression, correct mouth, touch larger than the winner and not quite as settled on the move. In super coat and condition
Bowden’s - Mindlen Mahican in Chellowside.
Postgraduate Dog
Hall’s - Firthgarth Master of the World; A tan headed dog with a patch on the base of his tail, of very good type with a well balanced head, small eye giving the correct expression, well placed shoulders, enough rib, free sound mover and presented a pleasing picture.
Open Dog
Manson’s - Vixenview Knightsbridge; In came this very attractive dog in super coat and condition, well marked head , lovely eye and expression, neat ear, clean over the neck and shoulder, true front with tight feet, spans easily, well set tail. On the move he gave a good account of himself. Reserve CC.
Newport’s - Cudweed’s Master of the Hounds; A balanced dog of good size and presents a clean outline, attractive head with lovely expression, correct mouth,, well placed shoulders into a good topline well set tail, spans easily, a good type of dog
McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Sunfire
Champion Dog
Smith’s -Ch Heythrop Task Master for Alncroft; I thought this dog was of excellent type and meets the standard so well. Correct shaped head with a lovely expression, enough strength to muzzle, clean over the neck and shoulder into ribs which span easily, lovely topline and coupling, well set tail, free on the move and maintains his outline. CC & BIS.
Bigland’s -Ch Heythrop Trickshot for Alncroft; Of the same type as the winner, quality headed dog and gives the lovely expression, clean over the neck and shoulder, well ribbed which again spans easily, well angulated quarters which provides power on the move.
Minor Puppy Bitch
Newstead’s -Tophead Saffron; A very smart tan and white headed youngster, who has the most lovely outline, correct eye and expression, spans easily, well set tail . her coat was in lovely condition.
Smith’s - Digaden Top Notch; Another promising youngster with a nice outline but not as mature looking as the winner at the moment, lovely head and eye, quite well constructed with clear markings well set tail with good hind angulation.
Puppy Bitch
Hughes’ - Ruffntuff Rush of Love; I thought this well constructed youngster quite promising as she is of beautiful type. She did not give of her best on the table but once on the floor she was quite confident and such a free mover, clean over the neck and shoulder, spans easily and shows promise. Reserve BPIS.
Young’s - Chadbrook Affirmation; More mature looking than the first, with a clean outline, quite well balanced and a free easy mover.
Junior Bitch
Bigland’s - Heythrop Topsyturvey; Another bitch of lovely type, well placed shoulders onto good ribs making for a clean outline. Her tan and white head is attractively marked, true in front standing and moves with drive
Kirkby’s - Mindlen Miami; A bitch of nice type and size, she too presents a clean outline and spans easily. Muscular quarters.
Yearling Bitch
Holland’s - Foxfur Capri; I think she is a very honest bitch of excellent type and size. Very impressive on the move. Well constructed in front and also behind and this shows when asked to move. In the unbeaten line up of bitches she held herself together so well when others were not giving of their best. Reserve CC
Postgraduate Bitch
Newstead’s - Muhlross Magic Diamond; A lightly marked tan and white with a very typical outline, balanced head giving a good expression, true front with enough bone, lovely rib and well set tail over muscular quarters, correct coat texture
Newport’s - Digaden Spill the Beans; A tan and white headed youngster who has a very appealing outline. I did appreciate her good construction but on the move she dropped her head which affected her outline and front movement.
Bigland’s - Heythrop Tangletop.
Limit Bitch
McCluskey’s - Chadbrook Elka; A lightly marked bitch of good type with an attractive outline. Balanced in head giving a good expression, correct mouth, true front and well placed shoulders, maybe her topline could be more typical, well set tail , showed steadily and quite sound.
Newport’s - Digaden Miss Marigold; Another bitch of good size and pleasing outline, lovely front and topline, slightly longer than the winner and was not as settled on the move
Roberts & Murray’s - Mindlen Mic Mac at Heythrop
Open Bitch
Roberts & Murray’s - Mindlen Moccasin; Very typical in outline, clean in head , good eye giving a good expression, true front both standing and on the move. Lovely coat and condition but I felt although she was capably handled she was not giving of her best on the move. In the challenge she was again not at one with her handler which was a pity.
Manson’s - Vixenview Miss Cash; Another immaculately presented bitch with well placed shoulders , good rib and topline well set tail, nicely angulated quarters
Newport’s - Digaden Tip Top JW
Champion Bitch
Dayman & Cole’s - Ch Pacolito Phinal Edition; My notes say, smart, precise and quality. Lovely headed bitch with attractive markings so good in front , firm in topline with a well set tail. Obviously very well schooled so in the challenge stood out and consequently won the CC. CC & Reserve BIS.
Young’s - Ch Chadbrook Electra; Here again a very well constructed bitch of excellent type, balanced in head with well placed shoulders giving a good outline, well angulated muscular quarters. Will always provide good competition
Veteran Bitch
Bigland’s - Heythrop Tiffin; So typical with a lovely head and eye correct mouth narrow in front which is true, good rib and spans well, very loose in pelt well angulated quarters , lovely coat and condition. Best Veteran.
Hooley’s - Ch Hoolmark Belle Star JW; Another bitch of quality with clear markings, balanced head with a good eye and expression true front and pleasing topline. Showed steadily
Neild’s - Logierait Little Lotte JW.
![]() Best in Show | ![]() Reserve Best in Show | ![]() Best Puppy in Show and Reserve Best Puppy in Show |
![]() Best Veteran in Show |