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2017 Club Show Results

Spring Open Show

Judge: Dr. Sarah Broadberry (Ratscallion)

Best in Show: Young’s - Chadbrook Roux

Reserve Best in Show: Bigland’s - Ardencote Tutor with Heythrop

Best Opposite Sex: Young’s - Chadbrook Electra

Best Dog: Young’s - Chadbrook Roux

Reserve Best Dog:  Bigland’s - Ardencote Tutor with Heythrop

Best Bitch: Young’s - Chadbrook Electra

Reserve Best Bitch: Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Tiadrop

Best Veteran: Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Tiadrop

Best Puppy is Show: Newport’s - Digaden Pitch Perfect

Best Puppy Dog: Newport’s - Digaden Pitch Perfect

Best Puppy Bitch: Newport’s - Digaden Runner Bean

I would like to thank the committee for their invitation to judge and the exhibitors for their entries. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and we were blessed with the most glorious weather. I appreciated all the support from the committee in making the day run smoothly, and especially my stewards who proved invaluable. I always enjoy this venue and the football matches being played on the grass played to the advantage of some dogs, who had been dulled by the heat. It certainly helped some of the exhibits to show true terrier spirit; this time aimed at a ball! I was very pleased with the quality of the entry, though it was of concern that some exhibits were missing teeth and both testicles were not fully descended in one dog.

Puppy Dog (3,3)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Pitch Perfect; Good wedge shaped head with good size teeth. Good forequarters, complimented by a clean neck leading to good shoulders. Well balanced and moved out well for his age, nine months. BPIS.

  2. Bigland’s - Heythrop Taggert; Another youngster of correct size and easily spannable. He moved out well and presented a balanced profile. Much to like about these two puppies.

  3. Sorrell’s - Taran Obi Ted


Post Graduate Dog (1,0)

  1. King’s - Bramarno Prince of Bohemia for Riosset; A dog with a keen, dark eye who watched his handler intently. Spannable, with a well set tail and low set hocks. Good proportions, just not moving true today.


Limit Dog (5,1)

  1. Bigland’s - Ardencote Tutor with Heythrop; Heading a strong class, this dog won on movement. A handy sized, workmanlike dog with a good wedge shaped head, neat ears and a keen eye. He was easily spannable with a lightly broken, waterproof coat. RBIS & RBD.

  2. Yerbury’s - Beauforts Charles James; Still spannable with good proportions. He moved well with purpose. 4. Samway’s

  3. Cassacre - Viking Midshipman


Open Dog (4)

  1. Young’s - Chadbrook Roux; This dog impressed me in profile and on the move. Spannable with good proportions. Correct neck, flowing into good shoulders. Low set hocks, with good bone and compact feet. Well presented in excellent condition. BIS & BD.

  2. Wood’s - Ardencote Taber; A happy dog who never stopped showing. Well proportioned, spannable and moved well. Excellent, lightly broken coat.

  3. Whiteley’s - Sunrock & Russell Yard’s Made in America (Imp USA).

  4. Blair & Hadley’s - Cleeve Hill Kasper.


Veteran Bitch (5,1)

  1. Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Tiadrop; Belying her 9 and a half years, this girl looks like she could easily still do a full days work. On compact feet with good angles front and hind. Presented a balanced profile that did not let her down on the move. Still easily spannable. Well presented with a tight coat. BV & RBB.

  2. Newport’s - Digaden Glamourussp; A handy size, more workmanlike than 1. Dark, keen eye on a lovely wedge shaped head. Not helping her handler on the move, but straight once settled.

  3. Minett’s - Ch Princess Lilo

  4. Meyer’s - Boughton Bliss for Cocclestane


Minnor Puppy Bitch (4,2)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Runner Bean; Of good proportions and angles and moved well for her handler. Good bone and neat feet. RBPIS.

  2. Smith & Moon’s - Alncroft I’m Bizzy; Another promising youngster, just not as settled on the move as 1. Of smaller size, pleasing tight coat and a beautiful head with neat ears.


Puppy Bitch (7,2)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Runner Bean

  2. Bigland’s - Heythrop Tidie; Sadly not as settled on the move as 1. but promising. A good size, easily spannable with much to like.

  3. Hughes’ - Ruffntuff Triple Ex

  4. Sorrell’s - Taran Tegan Tamara

  5. Sorrell’s - Taran Tamsyn Tilly


Junior Bitch (5,1)

  1. Chalkley’s - Ardencote Tullah; Moved straight. A pleasing wedge shaped head on a clean neck. Well balanced in profile, but on the smaller side.

  2. Newport’s - Digaden Just So JW; A different type from 1, with more bone. Another with a correct wedge shaped head, neat ears and a strong jaw with large teeth. Just not showing herself off to her best today.

  3. King’s - Riosset Raise the Roof

  4. Chaffe’s - Rougeau Simply Sassy


Novice Bitch (4,1)

  1. Hughes - Ruffntuff That Was So Close; Good hind angulation and dense waterproof coat. Moved straight both ways. Correct tailset and carriage.

  2. Chaffe’s - Rougeau Simply Sassy; Played her handler up but much more settled on the move than the prior class. Good coat.

  3. Shelton’s - Pacolito Phirstry


Post Graduate Bitch (4,1)

  1. Young’s - Chadbrook Electra; Striking bitch who never stopped showing. A handy size, with good bone and spannable. Good dense coat, well presented and in excellent condition. She moved out straight and true; on her toes throughout. Good angles presenting a well balanced outline due to her correct topline and tailset. BoS & BB.

  2. Bigland’s - Ardencote Teach in with Heythrop; Another bitch with so much to like about her. Many of the attributes of 1, just less settled on the move.

  3. King’s - Bramarno Woodvylle Wytch of Riosset


Limit Bitch (8,1)

  1. Bigland’s - Heythrop Tiffin; Another strong class. Handled to sow off her best. Workmanlike, well muscled and balanced on the move, retaining the correct outline. Excellent, tight coat.

  2. Young’s - Chadbrook Indignation; Again, much to like about this bitch, I just preferred the hind anglulation of 1. Strong wedge shaped head, neat ears leading to a clean neck.

  3. Collis’s - Riplington Dream Image

  4. Minett’s - Rountfelley Beajewelled

  5. Chaffe’s - Ticcalilli Twitchytail


Open Bitch (5,1)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Made to Measure; Heavily coated, but still harsh. Won this class on movement. Well angulated with good bone.

  2. Wood’s - Ardencote Triinitimes; Handy size, just sadly playing her handler up; certainly on her (compact) toes. Good pelt, tight coat. Well angulated in front and behind.

  3. Hughes - Ch Riplington Black Cherry

  4. Shelton’s - Boultmoor True Delight


Brace (2)

  1. Minett’s - Expertly handled. Well matched in size, movement and construction. 2. Newport’s. Another well matched pair.


Summer Open Show

Judge: Mr Philip Greenway

Best in Show: Smith’s - Digaden Top Hat and Tails

Reserve Best in Show: Smith & Moon’s - Alncroft Tussle

Best Opposite Sex: Smith & Moon’s - Alncroft Tussle

Best Dog: Smith’s - Digaden Top Hat and Tails

Reserve Best Dog: Broadberry’s - Mindlen Magnum at Ratscallion

Best Bitch: Smith & Moon’s - Alncroft Tussle

Reserve Best Bitch:Hobson’s - Alncroft Isle See

Best Veteran: Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Tiadrop

Best Veteran Dog: Smith & Moon’s - Ch Alncroft Blackthorn

Best Veteran Bitch: Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Tiadrop

Best Puppy is Show: Newport’s - Digaden Runner Bean

Best Puppy Dog: Broadberry’s - Mindlen Magnum at Ratscallion

Best Puppy Bitch: Newport’s - Digaden Runner Bean

Veteran Dog (1)

  1. Smith & Moon’s - Ch Alncroft Blackthorn


Puppy Dog  (1)

  1. Broadberry’s - Mindlen Magnum at Ratscallion


Junior Dog (2)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Pitch Perfect

  2. Bigland’s - Heythrop Taggert


Limit Dog (3,2)

  1. Bigland’s - Ardencote Tutor with Heythrop

Open Dog (3,1)

  1. Smith’s - Digaden Top Hat and Tails

  2. Broadberry’s - Ch Foxthorn Huron at Ratscallion


Veteran Bitch  (3,1)

  1. Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Tiadrop

  2. Newport’s - Pacolito Expectations


Puppy Bitch (3,1)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Runner Bean

  2. Smith & Moon’s - Alncroft I’m Bizzy


Junior Bitch (4)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Runner Bean

  2. Wiblin’s - Savanna Sundreamer

  3. Bigland’s - Heythrop Tidie

  4. Chalkley’s - Ardencote Tullah

Post Graduate Bitch (3,1)

  1. Hobson’s - Alncroft I See

  2. Bigland’s - Ardencote Teach in with Heythrop


Limit Bitch (2,1)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Just So JW


Open Bitch (6,3)

  1. Smith & Moon’s - Alncroft Tussle

  2. Hooley’s - Ch Hoolmark Belle Starr JW

  3. Newport’s - Digaden Made to Measure


Special Award Classes and Junior Handling

Judge Mrs. Jen Bowden

Thank you to the members of the Club for voting for me to judge the Special Awards and Junior Handling Classes at the PRT Show held on Sunday, 16th July.
Also thanks go to the hard-working committee for a well run show.

Junior Dog/Bitch (2)

  1. Newport’s - Digaden Runner Bean; 10 month old bitch, overall nice outline which held on the move. Feminine head, correct ears, dark eye, good rough coat, balanced angulation, spanned well.

  2. Chalkley’s - Ardencote Tullah; 16 month old bitch, lighter in frame than 1. Attractive head, tidy ears, in good coat, moved out and spanned well.

Post Grad Dog/Bitch (1)

  1. Hobson’s - Alncroft Isle See; 21 month old bitch, flat skull with alert expression, nice angulation, tight feet, moved soundly and held her top line on the move, spannable, in good coat.


Open Dog/Bitch (4)

  1. Hooley’s - Ch Hoolmark Belle Star JW;  Although her handler didn’t get the best out of this bitch, for me she stood out in the class. Excellent head, muzzle and teeth. Harsh coat, good top line with well set tail, good angulation, moved well. Spannable. My type of Parson and a worthy Champion.

  2. Smith’s - Digaden Top Hat and Tails; 2 and a half year dog, rangier type to 1. Showy, good head, muzzle and mouth, in good coat, spannable. Moved well.

  3. Hooley’s - Ch Hoolmark Boppin Robyn JW

  4. Newport’s - Digaden Just So JW

6 to 11 Years (3)

These three little girls had a very professional approach to handling their charges. Each one of them talked to their dogs all the time. They answered all my questions whilst their dogs proudly stood on the table.

All three of them should have been awarded 1st prize. It was a pleasure to judge them and their parents should be very proud of them. It was so nice to see they came up to me to thank me after the judging.

  1. Jessica Smith - made it look easy, with a smile on her face all the time. She listened and did everything I asked her to do, perfect triangle on the move.

  2. Amelie Smith - another who answered all my questions whilst at the table and concentrated on handling her dog, moved well.

  3. Ceira Townsend - I was quite impressed with the control she had with her charge as the dog just wanted to play and would not stand still. She did very well considering. Well done.

Championship Show

Judged by Jan Wood

Best in Show: Smith & Moon’s - Alncroft Tussle

Reserve Best in Show: Unknown

Best Opposite Sex: Whiteley's - Sunrock & Russell Yard's Made In America (Imp USA)

Dog CC: Whiteley's - Sunrock & Russell Yard's Made In America (Imp USA)

Reserve Dog CC: Blair & Hadley’s - Cleeve Hill Kasper

Bitch CC: Smith & Moon’s - Alncroft Tussle

Reserve Bitch CC: Steele’s - Digaden Get Up And Go

Best Veteran in Show: Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Tiadrop

Best Veteran Dog: Farrow’s - Ch Glenholm Happy Go Lucky;

Best Veteran Bitch: Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Tiadrop

Best Puppy is Show: Kirkby’s - Pacolito Recent Rumour;

Best Puppy Dog: Hooley’s - Hoolmark Johnny Guitar

Best Puppy Bitch: Kirkby’s - Pacolito Recent Rumour;

It was a great pleasure to judge the Parson Russell Terrier Club Show, thank you to the exhibitors for their entry and the steward for keeping the ring running smoothly.

Just a few general comments that I hope will be taken in the spirit that they are intended. Type was varied and I was concerned that some exhibits were rather short and boxy with high tailsets. I personally feel that it is most important to keep the balance and topline of the Parson Russell Terrier and not slip down the same route that their cousins the Fox Terriers went down one hundred years ago gradually shortening backs and highering tail sets until they got to the dogs that we see in the ring today. I was also disappointed to see some exhibits not demonstrating the correct gait, a Parson should not have choppy or exaggerated movement but should cover the ground effortlessly and smoothly. Coats varied greatly and I forgave several exhibits for being out of coat, however I was disappointed to find that some did not have that all important undercoat, a thick loose pelt is also an important feature of the Parson and whilst some pelts were excellent others were either thin and lose, thick and tight or worst of all, thin and tight. I appreciate that these things come from days when the majority of dogs were bred for work unlike today but even so the breed standard is quite clear in what it asks for and that is what we should be breeding for.

It was pleasing to find that feet were good overall, that bone was correct and that dentition was good throughout, so I won’t be commenting on these points individually. Most exhibits were in fit hard condition, however a few were carrying too much weight and some were far too thin. Having said all of that I don’t believe in fault judging but judging the whole dog and I was pleased with my winners.

It was lovely to see several new exhibitors having a go, I do hope that they will persevere and enjoy the hobby.


Minnor Puppy Dog 4

  1. Hooley’s - Hoolmark Johnny Guitar; promising young w/t dog with correct wedge shaped head pleasing eyes and ear set. Good for overall type and balance with correct topline and tailset, nice reach of neck with well laid shoulder and good return of upper arm, good coat and to span, well developed quarters for his age. BPD.

  2. Hughes’ - Jappatin Statesman of Ruffntuff; predominately white workmanlike dog with keen expression, enough neck and good lay of shoulder, thick double coat and good pelt, strong quarters with well let down hocks, different type to the class winner but still deserved his place.

  3. Jones’ - Pacolito American Express to Neelan; w/t dog with pleasing through head, eye and ear set, good neck, shoulder and return of upper arm, correct coat and pelt, well developed quarters.


Puppy Dog 2

  1. Broadberry’s - Ratscallion Son of a Gun; dark tri needing to drop into himself, attractive head with dark expressive eyes and correct ears, correct through neck, shoulder and upper arm, easy to span, good coat, pelt and topline.

  2. Hall’s - Frithgarth Stone Meadow; predominately white dog who was not cooperating with his handler today so was difficult to assess.


Junior Dog 3

  1. Bigland’s - Heythrop Taggert; lovely type of smooth workmanlike terrier of the correct size, good wedge shaped head with correct eyes and ears, good through neck, front assembly and overall balance, correct topline and tailset, good to span, strong quarters, in super hard condition, moved well when he settled. Pushed hard for top honours.

  2. Broadberry’s - Mindlen Magnum at Ratscallion; smart tricoloured dog built on different lines to the class winner, good through head, neck, lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, easy span, good thick pelt, pleasing quarters which he used to his advantage in profile movement.

  3. Foster & Fuller’s - Hoolmark Paleface; well balanced dog with good head, pleasing through neck and lay of shoulder, strong quarters, moved well from all angles.


Limit Dog 6(1)

  1. Whiteley's - Sunrock & Russell Yard's Made In America (Imp USA); correct size w/b dog who could not be denied top honours today, good wedge shaped head with dark eyes and correct ear set, good reach of neck flowing into well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm, good to span, harsh coat and correct pelt, good thigh and second thigh although he was inclined to overstretch himself which made them difficult to appreciate, moved well from all angles. DCC & BOS.

  2. Young’s - Chadbrook Roux; another of correct size with pleasing head, good through neck and lay of shoulder, correct coat and pelt, also inclined to straighten out his hind angulation when stacked, moved well when relaxed.

  3. Newport’s - Digaden Pitch Perfect; w/t dog with pleasing head and expression, good ear set, correct through neck, lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, good to span, correct tailset and coat, well developed thigh and second thigh, lovely profile movement.


Open Dog 4(1)

  1. Blair & Hadley’s - Cleeve Hill Kasper; predominately white six year old dog carrying his years very well, correct shaped head, good expressive eyes and correct ear set. Correct neck fitting well into just the right lay of shoulder and good return of upper arm, good topline and tailset, super thick loose pelt and good coat, correct quarters with well let down hocks, moved well. RDCC.

  2. Baker’s - Ch Pacolito Protolythic; w/t dog built on different lines to the winner, strong wedge shaped head with good eye and expression, correct reach of neck fitting nicely into correct lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, good to span, strong well developed quarters.

  3. Smith’s - Digaden Top Hat and Tails; w/t dog with lovely head and expression, correct neck and front assembly, good topline and tailset, well developed quarters with well let down hocks, good profile movement.


Veteran Dog 2(1)

  1. Farrow’s - Ch Glenholm Happy Go Lucky; nine year old tri dog who is carrying his years well, he won puppy under me at SKC in 2009 it’s super to see him still going strong. Lovely head and expression, correct earset, good through neck and front assembly, good topline and tailset, correct thigh and second thigh, moved well from all angles. BVD.


Minnor Puppy Bitch 4 (1)

  1. Laird’s - Drailam Honky Tonk Woman; pretty tri baby, good through head, eyes and ears, correct neck, lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, good to span, correct topline and tailset, good thick loose pelt, well let down hocks, moved well for her age.

  2. Dayman’s - Pacolito Phinal Edition; another nice tri puppy, pleasing through head, neck and lay of shoulder, good to span, harsh coat, well developed quarters for her age.

  3. Baker’s - Pacolito Rumourmonger; w/t pup close up to second and could change places another day, correct through head, reach of neck and lay of shoulder, good to span, pleasing topline and tailset, harsh coat, moved well in profile.


Puppy Bitch 4(1)

  1. Kirkby’s - Pacolito Recent Rumour; w/t more mature litter sister to third in previous class, good wedge shaped head with dark eyes and pleasing expression, correct ears, good neck, lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, correct topline and tailset, good to span, thick pelt and harsh dense coat, well developed quarters for age and moved well when settled. BPB & BPIS.

  2. Dayman’s - Pacolito Phinal Edition

  3. Young’s - Chadbrook Elka; predominately white pup built on different lines to the two above, pleasing head and eyes, neat ears, arched neck, good to span, not moving out very well today.


Junior Bitch 6 (2)

  1. Roberts & Murray’s - Mindlen Muskett; pretty tri bitch with feminine head, good through eyes and ears, correct reach of neck and front assembly, good to span, correct pelt and coat, good topline and straight well set tail, muscled thigh and second thigh, good profile movement.

  2. Sorrell’s - Tegtaran Tamsyn Tilly; I liked this w/t bitch very much but she was playing hard to handle for her novice owner and her harsh coat needed tidying, correct wedge shaped head with good eyes and ears, good through neck and front assembly. Ok to span, good topline and tailset, good quarters with well let down hocks. Moved well.

  3. Newport’s - Digaden Runner Bean; lovely type of w/t bitch, good for size, head shape, eyes and ears, good reach of neck and lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, pleasing topline, easy to span, correct coat and quarters, good profile movement.


Novice Bitch 6(1)

  1. Sorrell’s - Tegtaran Tamsyn Tilly

  2. Newport’s - Digaden Runner Bean

  3. Wiblin’s - Savana Sundreamer; workmanlike tri bitch of a different type to the two above, correct wedge shaped head, eyes and earset, strong neck, correct lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, good coat and correct pelt, good to span strong quarters, moved well from all angles.


Graduate Bitch 4

  1. Hughes - Ruffntuff That Was So Close; workmanlike w/t bitch with correct wedge shaped head, expressive eyes and correct earset, strongly built through neck, lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, thick pelt and good coat, well developed quarters which helped her move well when settled.

  2. Pell’s - Pipinbrook Mini The Minx at Olliebark; pretty tri bitch who was no cooperating with her handling, good dark eyes and well set ears, just enough reach of neck with good lay of should and return of upper arm, good to

  3. span was you would expect from one of the correct size, moved well in profile.

  4. Hall’s - Frithgarth Sky Lantern; this w/t bitch is built on larger lines and not as balanced as the two above, she had good profile movement.


Post Graduate Bitch 5

  1. Steele’s - Digaden Get Up And Go; lovely type of w/t bitch of the correct size, good through head, eyes, ears, reach of neck, lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, correct topline and tailset, correct thick pelt and good coat, well developed thigh and second thigh with well let down hocks, moved well when settled. RBCC.

  2. Hobson’s - Alncroft Isle See; w/t bitch correct for size and the type I like, feminine wedge shaped head with correct eyes and ears, just the right amount of neck which fits well into correct lay of shoulder with nice return of upper arm, good to span, pleasing topline and tailset, correct coat, well let down hocks, moved well.

  3. Laird’s - Mindlen Freja at Drailam; this tri bitch completed a trio of nice bitches she was close up to the winners and similar remarks apply but she had to pay the price for carrying too much weight.


Limit Bitch 8(1)

  1. Bigland’s - Heythrop Tiffin; lovely type of correct sized tri bitch, strong yet feminine head with correct eyes and ears, good reach of neck fitting nicely into correct shoulder placement with just the right return of upper arm, correct topline and tailset although you had to put hands on to appreciate this, good to span, well muscled thigh and second thigh, moved well.

  2. Newport’s - Digaden Just So; another good for type and size, correct head shape, eyes and ears, good through neck and front assembly, pleasing topline, good to span and coat, strong well developed quarters, moved well.

  3. Collis’ - Riplington Dream Image; completed a trio of very nice bitches, again good for size, type and overall balance, good through head, eyes and ears, topline and tailset, good to span and correct coat, just the right amount of hind angulation and moved well.


Open Bitch 9(3)

  1. Smith & Moon’s - Alncroft Tussle; attractive w/t bitch that demands to be looked at, good through head, eyes and ears, excellent reach of neck which fits nicely into well laid shoulder, good return of upper arm, good to span, super coat, strong topline, well developed quarters with well let down hocks, strong straight tail, moved well from all angles. BCC & BIS.

  2. Hughes’ - Ch Riplington Black Cherry; this six year old tri bitch still oozes breed type and quality, super head and expression with correct earset, well balanced all through and moved well.

  3. Newport’s - Digaden Made to Measure; w/t good for size and breed type, good through head, eyes, neck and front assembly, well balanced with pleasing topline, good to span and harsh coat, correct thigh and second thigh, moved well in profile.


Veteran Bitch 3(1)

  1. Bigland’s - Ch Heythrop Tiadrop; I gave this bitch the ticket and BOB at SKC in 2009 and I still love her, now ten years old all of the same remarks apply she is a super example of the Breed in my opinion. BVB & BVIS.

  2. Neild’s - Logierait Little Lotte; seven year old tri bitch with a pretty head, lovely expression and neat ears, good neck, lay of shoulder and topline, good coat and well muscled quarters.


Brace 4 (3)

  1. Laird’s - dark tri mother and daughter made a very good brace. BBIS.


Barry Jones Special Progeny 1

  1. Broadberry’s progeny from Ch Foxthorn Huron at Ratscallion-  clearly showed type coming down from their sire.


Junior and Adult Handling

Judge – Miss Olivia Busby

Firstly, I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge their twenty first Championship Show junior and adult handling. I very much enjoyed my day and thank you to all exhibitors that entered under me and making me feel welcome. Well done to all.

6-11 Junior Handling (4,0)

  1. Jessica Smith – Jessica is such a natural, quiet and happy handler. From the moment she stepped into the ring to the moment she left she didn’t stop smiling it's nice to see a handler enjoying themselves. Jessica showed the teeth correctly allowing me to see them clearly and with no obstructions and kept an eye on me throughout her pattern work without being over the top, you could see she knew how to get the job done. Jessica's triangle was neat and straight as were her lines and it was a close decision with Amélie however on the second up and down. Jessica took the top spot with a slightly tighter turn at the top making the line on the way back much neater and the set up was just slightly quicker. Jessica was polite throughout and I very much enjoyed watching her.

  2. Amélie Smith - It was very hard to choose between Jessica and Amélie both show a huge love for their hobby and for the dogs they show. Amélie has always been a quiet and happy handler and always seems like she is having fun in the ring. Amélie showed the teeth very well and corrected her dog at all times, she kept her dog calm and went the correct pace for the dog. As I said for 1st place Amélie was slightly out of line on her up and down however this is me nit picking as they were both so good. Amélie is such a polite younger handler she will go far and placing could change on another day.

  3. Ceira Townsend

  4. Emily Parry


12-16 Junior Handling (2,0)

What can I say, this was the hardest class for me ever in my judging experience, both handlers I have watched and always admired their skills as handlers. I had to really nit pick in this class and the results could flip on another day.

  1. Evie Tinegate - Wow Evie had a challenge on her hands today with a dog I have never seen her handle before. Throughout the class Evie showed huge skills with a difficult dog always staying calm, on the table she showed the teeth well with no obstruction and moved the foot back in a smooth and quick manner. Evie had no hesitation carrying out her pattern work, her patterns were neat and calm demonstrating a reverse 'L' and up and down, although I would have liked the top of the 'L' to be a bit shorter. What gave Evie top spot was her last pattern work was slightly straighter and her gaiting was top notch, she is a very polite and graceful handler who lets the dog do the work while she stands back and disappears into the background.

  2. Kizzy Porter – Kizzy was handling a dog I have never seen her handle before and made it look easy. Kizzy's table work was neat, clear and smooth, her pattern work was demonstrated to a good standard, Again I would have liked the top end of the 'L' to be shorter to make it look more like an 'L'. Kizzy needs to believe in herself a bit more as she has all the skills, today she had slight hesitation while gaiting with Evie however she still carried it out well as she did for all her pattern work. Kizzy lost out on top spot today as 1 was slightly straighter in her pattern work. Please Kizzy believe in yourself more I can't wait to see you grow and see you go far within the dog show world.


17+ Adult Handling (8,0)

  1. Claire Tinegate - Nice to see Claire in a handling ring today, she delivered a near perfect and polished performance. Claire showed the teeth neatly and clearly allowing me to see the teeth at all times. Pattern worked was delivered to a high standard she disappeared into the background and allowed the dog to go ahead and let him do the work, however at the end of her up and down the dog was set up a fraction too close to my feet. Overall Claire did a great job and I feel she should try handling out again.

  2. Jane Newport – Was nice to watch this handler today as never seen her in a handling class before. Jane was neat and smooth while showing the teeth but would have liked it to be slightly slower to allow me more time to see the teeth. Jane's pattern work was demonstrated clearly and correctly without breaking the golden rule (don't go between the dog and the judge) however Jane's straight up and down was slightly wobbly and the last set up was too close to me for my liking however on another day placings could easily swap.

  3. Steph Parry

  4. Alex Brown

  5. Dean Hobson


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