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2012 Club Show Results

Open Show Spring


Judge: Ms Ruth Copping


Best in Show: Tagg - Ch Hoolmark Tidy

Reserve Best in Show: Vaughan - Ch Parrus Comanche Chief

Best Opposite Sex: Vaughan - Ch Parrus Comanche Chief

Best Dog: Vaughan - Ch Parrus Comanche Chief
Reserve Best Dog: Blair and Hadley - Cleeve Hill Kasper

Best Bitch: Tagg - Ch Hoolmark Tidy
Reserve Best Bitch: Minett - Princes Lilo

Veteran Dog (3,2)

  1. Vaughan- Barsetta on a Mission for Parrus


Minnor Puppy Dog (2,0)

  1. Blair and Hadley - Cleeve Hill Kasper

  2. Denby-Gardner - Ammanday Able


Novice Dog 

  1. Brown and Grange - Afinlea Ratzer Ringlet

  2. Maguires - Gonetoground Academy


Post Graduate Dog (5,1)

  1. Hooley - Hoolmark Sundance Kid

  2. Culter and Hughes - Trumpmoor Exmoore Jimmy

  3. Bigland - Heythrop Tailwind


Limit Dog (5,0)

  1. Highfield - Bradpole Bau of Guestwick

  2. Broadberry - Ratscallion Tactical Move

  3. Burnhill - Avonwylde Stormer


Open Dog (3,0)

  1. Vaughan - Ch Parrus Comanche Chief

  2. Tagg - Ch Ryshott Tactic

  3. Sollis - Ch Mister Bonamonty 


Veteran Bitch (6.1)

  1. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Appey Daze

  2. Neild - Janey of St Clair at Logierat

  3. White - Ebblechase Eleonor


Minor Puppy Bitch (3,2)

  1. Meyer - Cocclestane Cinnamon


Junior Bitch (5,0)

  1. Bigland - Araccta Beatrice From Pacolito

  2. Minett- Pacolito Sesky

  3. Broadberry - Portleberry Forget Me Not


Novice Bitch (3,1)

  1. Tinegate - Gonetoground Gogo Girl

  2. Bigland- Heythrop Tangle


Post Graduate Bitch (11.5)

  1. Minett - Princes Lilo

  2. Blair - Gonetoground Go Getter

  3. Neild - Logierat Little Lottie

Limit Bitch (6,2)

  1. White - Ebblechase Elspeth

  2. Dolman - Pacolito Phirtspix to Maxtay

  3. Eastwood - Pacolito Phigurehead at Denlyhill


Open Bitch (10,2)

  1. Tagg - Ch Hoolmark Tidy

  2. Bigland - Ch Heythrop Tiadrop

  3. White - Ebblechase Rosanna


Brace (4,2)

  1. Broadberry

  2. White



Open Show Summer


Judge: Mr N Merrick


Best in Show:

Reserve Best in Show: 

Best Dog: 

Reserve Best Dog:

Best Bitch: 

Reserve Best Bitch: 

Best Puppy in Show:


Veteran Dog (3,1)

  1. Bigland - Ch Heytrhop Toastmaster

  2. Brown and Grange - Ch Afinlea Roadside Skipper

  3. Vaughan - Ch Barsetta on a Mission for Parruss


Minnor Puppy Dog (2,0)

  1. Rimmer - Kylini Celtic Tiger

  2. Harris - Gonetogorund Trink or Treat 


Puppy Dog 

  1. Price - Parson Hill Grand Slam at Andralok

  2. Baker and Swift - Palcolito Phirtsprize

  3. Rimmer - Kylini Celtic Tiger


Junior Dog (5,2)

  1. Tagg - Hoolmark Razzle Dazzle

  2. Blair and Hadley - Cleeve Hill Kasper

  3. Wilson - Palcolito  High Phlyer at Dragonmoor​


Post Gradate Dog (3,0)

  1. Bigland- Heythorp Tailwind

  2. Hooley - Hoolmark Sundance Kid

  3. Eastwood - Palcolito Rogue Trader at Denlyhill.


Limit Dog (5,1)

  1. Newport- Digaden Playing Away

  2. Wilson - Palcolito  Phromula One at Dragonmoor​

  3. Baker and Swift - Spellbert Ape Man


Open Dog (5,2)

  1. Hooley-  Ch Hoolmark Jonny Ringo JW

  2. Tagg - Ch Rimshot Tactic

  3. Vaughan- Ch Paruss Comanche Chief


Veteran Bitch (7,3)

  1. Pell - Olliebark Thats my Girl

  2. Brown and Grange - Afinlea Gsarden Tiger


Minnor Puppy Bitch

  1. Hoolmark - Bopyn Robyn

  2. Bigland - Palcolito Phinal Phling

  3. Mills - Palcolito Protocol


Puppy Bitch (4,2)

  1. Baker and Swift - Palcolito Phirstedition

  2. Meyer - Cocclestane Cinnamon


Junior Bitch (6,2)

  1. Bigland - Araccta Beatrice From Pacolito

  2. Collis - Riplington Black Cherry


Novice Bitch (4,1)

  1. Minett- Pacolito Sesky

  2. Broadberry - Portleberry Forget Me Not

  3. Bigland - Heythrop Tango


Post Gradate Bitch (8,0)

  1. Collis - Riplington blackberry

  2. Newport - Pacolito Xceptional 

  3. Tinegate - Gonetoground Gogo Girl


Limit Bitch (11,4)

  1. Baker and Swift - Pacolito Phinale at Ardencote

  2. Baker and Swift -Spellbert Captain Alvida

  3. Newport - Digaden Playing Truant 


Open Bitch (7,2)

  1. Tagg - Ch Hoolmark Tidy

  2. Price - Andralok Maggie

  3. Baker and Swift - Pacolito Persistant



  1. Bigland

  2. Wilson

  3. Broadberry

Championship Show


Judge:  Kim Denby-Gardener


Best in Show:Vaughans - Ch. Parruss Comanche Chief JW ShCM

Reserve Best in Show: Highfields Bradpole Beau of Guestwick

Best Opposite Sex: Smiths - Ch. Bethane Hulabaloo;

Dog CC: Vaughans - Ch. Parruss Comanche Chief JW ShCM
Reserve Dog CC: Highfields
Bradpole Beau of Guestwick

Bitch CC: Smiths - Ch. Bethane Hulabaloo
Reserve Bitch CC: 
Whites - Ebblechase Elspeth
Best Puppy is Show: Hughes - Ruffntuff Regal


Firstly I would like to say that it is an honour to judge at ones breed championship show. Thank you to all who made it possible and who supported the club and myself. make no apology for the type of dog I prefer. I came in to the breed after seeing dogs from West Country kennels and as such believe that they are probably a fair representation of what the Parson would have owned, and if it worked for him I see no reason to make any radical changes.

will always judge as fairly as possible and to my interpretation of our standard. There are however some key points in the standard which I feel are being either ignored or overlooked of late. This is a working terrier still, and it is supposed to be able to do a days work. It should be workmanlike, active and agile; bold and friendly; have a wedge shaped head without prominent cheeks, have the coat, pelt, feet, teeth and size to do its job. It is supposed to have a rise over the loin - it has become fashionable to have a dog that is straight from withers, through the back and loin to the tail. Not surprisingly this has now led to dogs actually dropping off at the rear. We also have far too many dogs that have back ends a Staffie would be proud of, and also far too many which do not have correct rear angulation, with the point of balance from hip to toe having disappeared. Such dogs are not well balanced; move poorly and I doubt would have endurance. On the day, the one fault that struck me most was poor rear movement- even dogs that looked OK when moving in profile had suspect movement when viewed from behind. This was regardless of gender, size or type. However, overall I had lovely dogs and a lovely day, thank you all.


Minnor Puppy Dog (2,0)

  1. Hughes - Ruffntuff Regal; A perfect example of one of the west country type of dogs mentioned above that have influenced me, and I loved everything about him. Quite big but spanable, mainly white with some tan. Lovely wedge head, good ears, correct expression. Strong jaw and big teeth. Rough coat over excellent pelt. Good straight tail set on correctly. Correct ratio of height to length. Well muscled. BPIS

  2. Rutters Boultmoor Badge of Honour; Different type, slightly longer cast and tends to over extend a bit. White with tan head. Good coat. Spanable and with a good temperament


Junior Dog (4,0)

  1. Hadley and Blairs - Cleeve Hill Kasper; Been dying to get my hands on him since I saw him at the spring open show. Big white dog, spanable, white head which I love, as easy to see correct shaped, dark eyes. Excellent jaw, teeth and bite. Coat and pelt OK. Moved out well. Wish he was a shade longer. Considered for reserve CC

  2. Rimmers - Kylini Celtic Tiger; Lovely type, lightly marked tri. Not as big as 1 and an easy span. Nice head with good mouth. Well balanced and has a lovely rear. Would prefer a bit more coat and pelt.

  3. Satchwells Parruss Cherokee Brave;  Still very much a baby, another white with tan head. The best of coats. Not the biggest of dogs but makes for an easy span. Good jaw and month. I really liked him but he was a bit unco-operative and up against strong competition


Novice Dog (0)


Graduate Dog (1,1)


Post Graduate Dog (3,0)

  1. Rimmers - Kylini Celtic Tiger.

  2. Samways - Cassacre Tack; Very rough coated white dog, of real old Parson type. The longest of rib, something a few lacked, and very spanable. Lovely cheeky terrier expression and attitude.

  3. Brown and Grange Afinlea Ratzer Ringlet; Big dog with badger marked tri head, I found hard to span. Fabulous smooth coat, really good feet. Best mover, especially in profile with correct 'easy' gait, felt he could do it all day.


Limit Dog (5,1)

  1. Highfields Bradpole Beau of Guestwick; Lovely type, perhaps a shade large. Just spanable. White with tan head markings. Super teeth and bite. Lovely shape, length and reach of neck. Pelt and coat are good. Well muscled and moved out well. RDCC, RBIS

  2. Moores Moonreapers Bill Bones; Mainly white dog who is a bit of a handful. Had one of the best chests on the day. In excellent smooth dense coat and excellent pelt. Good tight feet and well muscled.

  3. Biglands - Heythrop Tailwind; Different type. White with tan head. Good size and correct height to length ratios. Nice outline, with rise over loin and very spanable. Coat and pelt not as good as 1 and 2.

Open Dog  (4,1 absent)

  1. Vaughans - Ch. Parruss Comanche Chief JW ShCM;  White dog with black head and neck and accents of tan, to be honest too much black for my taste but that's just me. Correct size all through. Good head with well set ears, dark eyes and correct mouth. Harshest of coats and really thick pelt. Unexaggerated shape and well muscled. Best of tails. Happy disposition and shows and is shown really well. No surprise he has done so well. Congratulations. Gave both his parents tickets and now him too. DCC and BIS

  2. Farrows Ch. Glenholm Happy Go Lucky JW; Worthy champion and I gave him a Res CC previously. Larger type. Traditionally marked tri badger head. Just spanable. Good teeth and bite. Really nice feet. Well proportioned with good rib. Coat good over thick pelt.

  3. Hooleys Hoolmark Sundance Kid;  Smaller looking but only just spanable. Well angulated, easy, happy mover. Not so good on pelt and coat as 1 and 2.


Veteran Dog (4,1)

A really lovely class of oldies but goodies, and best class for all moving well Probably age but all 3 only just spanable

  1. Brown and Grange -  Ch. Afinlea Roadside Skipper; Had the best front of the 3. White with tan head. Good harsh close coat. Thick pelt. Well balanced. Still good in mouth and feet.

  2. Pells - Olliebark Star Performer; Really liked for type but not such a good front. Long dog, which I like.

  3. Samways Cassacre Mandolin; Sire of 2nd. I love him but he was showing his age a bit today. Very hairy but coat is excellent.


Minor Puppy Bitch (5,1)

  1. Walkers - Matsstars Lily of the Valley; Very feminine smooth coated tan and white with tail spot. Still very much a baby, as she should be at 6 months of age. Lovely wedge shaped head, with dark eye, and good mouth. Nice neat feet. Excellent coat and pelt.

  2. Fieldings - Matsstars Ladys Mantle at Starfield;  Sister to 1, and similar especially in that both are babies. Very pretty tri with broken coat which is not yet at it's best, so that her ticking was visible. She has a bit more rear angulation than her sister but not such good coat and pelt. They are both doing the puppy thing of flying their left ears!

  3. Newports Digaden Diamond Portrait; Different type and much more mature. Well balanced overall and has good neck and feet. Easy span. Very thick coat


Puppy Bitch (5,2)

  1. Biglands - Pacolito Phinal Phling; Femine with tan head. Broken coated, very spanable. Good mouth and feet. Nice neck and very showy.

  2. Newports- Digaden Diamond Portrait.

  3. Sheltons - Boultmoor True Delight; Larger bitch and lacks experience. Looked good standing but didn't move as well as I think she probably does normally. Has very attractive tan head. OK for teeth, eye and feet

All 3 had a tendency to throw their left rear leg.


Junior Bitch (3,0)

  1. Collis'- Riplington Black Cherry;  A very impressive bitch, another I was keen to judge. Lovely shape, really well balanced. Nicely shaped tan head with good ears and dark eyes. Good mouth and nice tight feet. Lovely neck leading to good shoulders. Excellent rear with well set tail. Harsh coat and good pelt. Considered for Res CC.

  2. Jones' Neelans Practical Magic; Rough coated with tan head and black body marking. Looks quite deep but is spanable. Really nice shaped rear. Good teeth and feet. Liked her attitude.

  3. Hooleys - Hoolmark Boppin Robyn; Very pretty tri, slighter than the other 2 but surprisingly deeper in chest and rib. Excellent teeth coat and pigment. A very happy and busy little terrier.


Novice Bitch (1,1)


Graduate Bitch (5,2))

I ended up placing this class in order of size and span.

  1. Minetts - Pacolito Seksy; White currently a bit out of coat so you can see the ticking in her undercoat. Very pretty tan head. Good teeth and feet. Nice overall shape but would prefer a bit more rise over loin. Moved really well.

  2. Highfields Guestwick Lindy Loo of Bradpole; Older bitch at 10 years of age but she certainly didn't look it. In very good condition including her teeth. Has small amount of tan to her head. Excellent coat and pelt. Enjoying her day out.

  3. Chens- Boultmoor Bella Eclipse; Larger, very rough coat. Pretty tan and white. Well boned. Lovely overall shape but with a shorter rib and only just spanable.

Post Graduate Bitch (4,1)

I liked all three in this class and each had their strengths and their weaknesses. All 3 had good coats and pelts.

  1. Neilds - Logierait Little Lotte; A very pretty and happy bitch. Feminine size, nice small feet. Nice head shape and good dark eye. Well angulated and nicely shaped rear.

  2. Tinegates - Gonetoground Gogo Girl; Tan head, slightly broader than 1. I would like a slightly longer rib. Nice bone, eye, mouth and feet. Moves well in profile but not so well when seen from front or rear.

  3. Kannangaras- Sherosco Christmas Rose; Well boned bitch with some tan head markings. Has a good mouth, eye and correct smaller feet. Good rib. Lovely attitude.


Limit Bitch (9,2)

This was a very hard class to judge, really like these 3, but there was some odd rear movement in a couple of exhibits.

  1. Whites - Ebblechase Elspeth; A tall bitch, but not big, an easy span. Very pretty, rough coat with tan head and tail spot. Very much a traditional west country bred bitch. Easily the best mover here. Has correct height to length, coming from her lovely long rib. Good mouth with big teeth. Neck flows into lovely shoulders and has the desirable rise over loin finishing in a well set tail. RBCC.

  2. Kannangaras - Parruss Twist of Lemon; Smaller all through, she is really very pretty but has distracting tan coloured marking to head, Good ears, mouth and pigment. Good feet and well set tail. A little overweight but a good shape and when she hits her stride she moves well.

  3. Smiths - Bethane Liberton Lassie; All white so you can see just how dark her correctly shaped eye is. For me she is a shade too deep in chest and rib although she is spanable. Shows her socks off and has a really good attitude. Well shaped head, Strong jaw and teeth. Excellent feet. Nice neck leading to good shoulders. Moves out well.


Open Bitch (7,0)

  1. Smiths - Ch. Bethane Hulabaloo; No secret that I love her, or why, she reminds me so much of her father. Taller but extremely feminine bitch. Pretty tri head and a black so much of her father. Taller but extremely feminine bitch. Pretty tri head and a black tail spot. Dense broken coat with good pelt. Head of correct shape, good ear, mouth and lovely dark eye. Lovely profile with elegant but strong neck leading to clean cu shoulders, long rib and strong rear with a rise over her loin. Spanable. Tail well set and carried. Long stride which suggest she could go all day. BCC BOS

  2. Bull and Starks - Tarara Boom de Ay: Also a taller bitch but still very spanable. Has a lovely long rib and a good overall shape. In excellent coat and with realiyabar. pigment. Her head is dark tri with good ears, eyes, mouth. I just wish she had more rear angulation.

  3. Minetts Ch. Princess Lilo; Not really my type but she has lots to like and is a really good mover. Excellent dense, hard coat and good pelt. Well muscled and a good overall shape. Feminine tan head with neat ears, dark eyes and big teeth.


Veteran Bitch (4,0)

  1. Bull and Starks - Clauval Japonica Lady; Taller bitch but well proportioned. A pity she doesn't enjoy showing more. Nice overall shape and balance. In good coat and with thick pelt. Correct shaped head with dark tan markings. Good mouth. Nicely shaped rear with well set tail.

  2. Pells Olliebark That's My Girl; Rough, harsh coat with traditional tri head markings and black tail spot. Best rib of them all. Correct shape head, still has good teeth. Very good feet. Moved with driv

  3. Neilds - Janey of St Clair at Logierait; Such a pretty bitch but not very happy. Feminine shape, good head. Excellent feet, I know I go on about feet but some are not so good. Well set and carried tail.


Brace (6,2 absent)

  1. Kannagara's-  Mother and daughter and well matched in coat, size and colour, as you would hope. Moving out well. Obviously happy with their day.

  2. Highfields-  A very feminine bitch and a very masculine dog, as they should be. I believe grandmother/grandson, and very similar in type.

  3. Newports- Could easily be twins except one tan and one black and white.


The Barry Jones progeny Class (1,0)

  1. Ch. Mister Bonamonty-  alone but as a dog I have given a ticket too, and the sire of our top winning dog, I suspect he would have beaten anything. There was some size variation but coats were all good and movement very typical of a Parson, even in the babies. His owner should be very proud.


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