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2010 Club Show Results

Open Show Spring


Judge: Anne Bradley


Best in Show: Pacolito Phlattery

Reserve Best in Show: Windynook Jeckyl Or Hide

Best Opposite Sex; Windynook Jeckyl Or Hide

Best Dog: Windynook Jeckyl Or Hide
Reserve Best Dog: Hoolmark Johnny Ringo

Best Bitch: 
Reserve Best Bitch: 
Best VeteranHeythrop Toastmaster
Best Puppy is Show: Hoolmark Johnny Ringo


Veteran Dog (2,0)

  1. Bigland - Heythrop Toastmaster

  2. Kannangara - Lenacourt Lunar Eclipse 


Minor Puppy Dog (4,0)

  1. Baker - Pacolito Phormula One

  2. Hall  - Firthgarth Mighty Gandalf

  3. Pell - Cassacre Sea Urchin at Olliebark


Puppy Dog (5,0)

  1. Hooley - Hoolmark Johnny Ringo

  2. Broadberry - Ratscallion Tactical Move

  3. Bigland - Heythrop Toast Topper


Junior Dog (6,0)

  1. Swift - Spellbert Captain Jack

  2. Hill, Muckle and Speight - Mindlen Capercaille at Agrantach

  3. Griffiths - Digaden Windrush Chase


Novice Dog (1,0)

  1. Macfarlane and Stuckey - Rymshott Sno-Bawl


Post Graduate Dog (2,0)

  1. Cutler and Hughes - Trumpmoor Exmoor Jimny

  2. Frost-Copping and Davies - Goldfern Grand Lad


Limit Dog (7,0)

  1. Sollis - Mister Bonamonty

  2. Moore - Moonreapers Billy Bones

  3. Hooley - Hoolmark Ready To Rock


Open Dog (4,1)

  1. Bygate - Windynook Jeckyl Or Hide

  2. Highfield - Ch Bradpole Blanc De Blancs

  3. Macfarlane and Stuckey - Rymshott Sno-Bawl


Veteran Bitch (6,0)

  1. Wood - Ch Ardencote Tamarisk

  2. Brown and Grange - Afinlea Garden Tiger

  3. Bigland - Heythrop Tia


Minor Puppy Bitch (4,0)

  1. Baker - Pacolito Persistant

  2. Hill, Muckle and Speight - Mindlen Double Trouble at Amgrantach

  3. Smith - Bethane Liberton Lassie


Puppy Bitch (4,0)

  1. Smith - Bethane Liberton Lassie

  2. Baker - Pacolito Numero Uno

  3. Broadberry - Ratscallion Legal Tactics


Junior Bitch (7,0)

  1. Baker - Pacolito Pocket Rocket

  2. Wood - Ardencote Tanzy

  3. Grant - Andralok Easter Rose


Novice Bitch (7,0)

  1. Davies - Goldfern Grand Cru

  2. Wood - Ardencote Tanzy

  3. Grant - Andralok Easter Rose

Post Graduate Bitch (11,2)

  1. Rimmer - Kylini Spellsabound JW

  2. Hughes - Wind Beneath My Wings

  3. Walker -  Ammanday Apple

Limit Bitch (9,2)

  1. Bigland- Heythrop Tiadrop

  2. Nixon - Neelan's Steppingout to Gonetoground

  3. Bull and Stark - Clauval Japonica Lady


Open Bitch (10,2)

  1. Baker - Pacolito Phlattery

  2. Kimmer - Kylini Mythnmyst ShCM

  3. Cutler - Trumpmoor Exmoor Appey Daze


Brace (4,2)

  1. Kannangara

  2. Harris



Open Show Summer


Judge: Sara Nixon


Best in Show: Mister Bonamonty

Reserve Best in Show:  Kylini Spellsabound JW

Best Opposite Sex: Kylini Spellsabound JW

Best Dog: Mister Bonamonty

Reserve Best Dog: Ch Afinlea Roadside Skipper

Best Bitch: Kylini Spellsabound JW

Reserve Best Bitch: Ch Pacolito Phirstclass JW

Best Veteran is Show: Ch Afinlea Roadside Skipper

Best Puppy in Show:



Veteran Dog (3,0)

  1. Brown and Grange - Ch Afinlea Roadside Skipper

  2. Bull - Aurgwen Cava

  3. Kannangara -  Lenacourt Lunar Eclipse


Minnor Puppy Dog (2,0)

  1. Bigland - Heythrop Tailwind

  2. Samways - Cassacre Tack


Puppy Dog (2,1)

  1. Bigland - Heythrop Thunderstruck


Junior Dog (3,0)

  1. Broadberry - Ratscallion Tactical Move

  2. Bigland - Heythrop Toast Topper


Novice Dog (3,1)

  1.  Bigland - Heythrop Toast Topper


Post Gradate Dog (6,5)

  1. Moore - Moonreapers Billy Bones


Limit Dog (3,1)

  1. Chapman- Foxwarren Finder

  2. Highfield - Bradpole Beau of Guestwick


Open Dog (3,1)

  1. Sollis - Mister Bonamonty

  2. Denby-Gardner - Ammanday Augury JW


Veteran Bitch

  1. Moore - Moonreapers Matilda

  2. Highfield - Guestwick Lindy Loo of Bradpole

  3. Brown and Grange - Afinlea Garden Tiger


Minor Puppy Bitch (3,1)

  1. Chapman - Foxwarren Lollipop

  2. Bigland - Pacolito Phirstrater


Puppy Bitch (3,2)

  1. Price - Andralock Maggie


Junior Bitch (3,1)

  1. Hill, Muckley and Speight - Mindlen Double Trouble at Amgrantach

  2. Evans - Aurgwen Meryl


Novice Bitch (6,2)

  1. Hill, Muckley and Speight - Mindlen Double Trouble at Amgrantach

  2. Kannangara - Sherosco Christmas Rose

  3. Frost-Copping - Goldfern Grand Cru

Post Graduate Bitch (6,0)

  1. Bull and Stark - Tarara Boom De Ay

  2. Neild - Janey Of St Clair at Logierait

  3. Moore - Moonreapers Floradora

Limit Bitch (8,2)

  1. Rimmer - Kylini Spellsabound JW

  2. Denby-Gardner -  Ammanday Apparition

  3. Samways -  Saucy Nancy Cassacre


Open Bitch (7,2)

  1. Baker - Ch Pacolito Phirstclass JW​

  2. Hill, Muckley and Speight - Ardencote Tammanu



  1. Hill, Muckley and Speight

  2. Biglands

  3. Kannangara


Championship Show


Judge: Sheila Atter


Best in Show: Ch Alneroft Tribute to Riplington

Reserve Best in Show: Digaden Glamouruss

Best Opposite Sex: Hoolmark Johnny Ringo

Dog CC: Hoolmark Johnny Ringo
Reserve Dog CC: Paruss Comanche Chief.

Bitch CC: Ch Alneroft Tribute to Riplington
Reserve Bitch CC: Digaden Glamouruss
Best Veteran in Show:  Ch Alne Foxglove
Best Puppy is Show: Paruss Comanche Chief

Best Puppy Dog: Paruss Comanche Chief

Best Puppy Bitch: Agrantach Coffee Cream;


Numerically a wonderful entry, and some great puppies and mature dogs, but quality BIS went to Ch Alneroft Tribute to Riplington, conditioned and handled to perfection, she is spot on for size, with a lovely head and keen expression, excellent coat, accurate, long-striding movement, correct topline which is held on the move. RBIS went to Digaden Glamouruss, the second time she has had a RCC from me. She's a bitch that doesn't immediately catch the eye, but epitomises the most important word in the breed standard - 'workmanlike'; spot on for size and easily spannable, plenty of bone yet not cloddy, excellent coat, thick loose pelt, lovely ground-covering movement. Add to that a correct head with keen expression, lovely neck, shoulder and rib and you have a bitch that just shouts 'type. Dog CC and BOS was Hoolmark Johnny Ringo, an exciting youngster who headed a really strong OD class. He's still a bit raw and needs to mature, but his sheer exuberance and outstanding movement won him this place. Like the BIS he's allowed to free stand, and therefore looks so much more alert. Lovely size, gorgeous head, excellent coat and his traditional markings add the finishing touch. At present he has a tendency to overstretch, which affects his topline and makes him appear somewhat over-angulated, but hands on examination proves that this is not the case. BP was another equally exciting exhibit, Paruss Comanche Chief. A lovely size, presented with not a hair out of place and handled to perfection he has great drive from the rear, and just needs to sort out his front legs, which tend to be thrown about in all directions at present, and then he'll be unbeatable. BV was Ch Alne Foxglove, an old favourite of mine, dam of the BIS, and still looking great - she had a galaxy of other veterans to beat, all of them without exception in superb condition and a real credit to their owners.

If I was more than satisfied with my major winners, there were a few concerns that bothered me throughout the day. Temperaments were, as always, exemplary, coats were generally excellent, mouths were almost all correct - but sometimes with horribly small teeth in them. This is a terrier: huge, strong teeth should be the norm. Size was pretty uniform, a few well up to size, but even these were mostly just about spannable.

Movement was either excellent or pretty dire. I make absolutely no apology for moving you all more than is sometimes the norm. This is a terrier bred to be able to run all day, and a quick triangle and once up and down does not give any indication of the ability of the exhibit to get into the required, ground-covering, economical stride. Far too many moved very accurately, with a gait that was very precise, but went up and down rather than along. These terriers would easily tire if asked to trot any distance.

Heads were mostly typical, but there were one or two with incorrect proportions, even a couple that were verging on the Fox Terrier in length. Angulation, both fore and aft, has improved greatly in recent years, although there is a tendency towards over-angulation of the hindquarters and this needs to be addressed. However, overall I would say that the breed is in good shape.



Minnor Puppy Dog (5,1) 

  1. Pagatail Pokin on Ruffntuff; had the advantage of age over the other exhibits and was consequently more balanced and collected. Neat looking dog with a good head and excellent pigment, moved reasonably well

  2. Jacksden Herpijack Flash; Just six months Old, but a tidy mover, handy size and with excellent coat

  3. Amgrantach Cappuccino.; Another six month old, this one in contrast was raw and rangy but very promising, with a nice length of body, excellent coat. He and his brother who stood next to him in the line-up just need time and experience then they will move up the placings.


Puppy Dog (5,1)

  1. Paruss Comanche Chief; Please see above

  2. Heythrop Tailwind; Another very promising puppy, who has possibly a slightly better topline and shoulder than 1, but just wasn't as together in movement. Another that it will be interesting to see in a year's time

  3. Jacksden Jumpinjack Flash


Junior Dog (4,1)

This was a difficult class, all with their own different virtues

  1. Ratscallion Tactical Play; Won on his excellent coat and reasonable movement. A bit overangulated at the rear at present and tail set rather low. Skull a little too broad.

  2. Garsayno Magic Man; Excellent head, good coat and correct tail set. Handy size, could be ribbed back further

  3. Rascallion Tactical Move; The best mover in the class and a nice size. Tail set rather low and coat could be harsher


Graduate Dog (4,1)

  1. Garsayno Yum Yum; Nice outline, good neck and shoulder, coat could be harsher and a little over-angulated at the rear

  2. Garsayno Magic Man

  3. Boughton Brassica; Excellent coat, good head, correct size, movement let him down.


Post Graduate Dog (3,0)

  1. Goldfern Grand Lad;  Up to size, excellent coat, correct topline and good angulation, moved out quite well

  2. Pacolito Preshous at Denlyhill; Nice size, good coat, good tail set, a decent sort that just needs to settle to the job

  3. Rascallion How Dare Yer;  Thought this would be my winner at the first glance. Excellent size, good head and coat good angulation and excellent in profile, but badly let himself down on the move. Worth persevering with.


Limit Dog (4,2)

  1. Matsstars Midnight Miracle; Up to size and with strong head, good neck and shoulders, moved accurately out and back, but was over-reaching when viewed in profile.

  2. Pacolito Persona at Springbeck; Lovely head, excellent coat, moved well, eye a bit round and light and topline lacked rise.


Open Dog (8,4)

Really spoilt for choice here.

  1. Hoolmark Johnny Ring; See Above

  2. Ch Glenholm Happy Go Lucky;  beautiful head, super coat, excellent neck and shoulder, lovely rib. I love him and wouldn't change a thing, but today he just couldn't match the personality and super movement of the winner. In the challenge he came back in with far more enthusiasm and consequently moved out with real drive and I was very happy to be able to award him the RCC over the very promising puppy

  3. Ch Mister Bonamonty;  Another super dog, in a very similar mould to 2. Today he just looked a bit heavy over the shoulders and his movement was a little untidy, but I was splitting hairs throughout the class.


Veteran Dog (5,0)

Oh for five first prizes! A wonderful class

  1. Ch Afinlea Roadside Skipper; Just edged this class on his excellent movement, using his well muscled hindquarters to produce real drive. Very typical head, lovely coat, excellent shoulder.

  2. Ch Heythrop Toastmaster; Super conformation, lovely outline, excellent size and fit as a fiddle. Just not quite as free moving as the winner

  3. Cassacre Kabin Boy; Another lovely terrier, with a beautiful head, excellent coat and good movement.

Minnor Puppy Bitch (4,2)

Two promising pups.

  1. Agrantach Coffee Cream; More together than 2. Excellent rough coat, lovely shoulder and angulations. Once settled she moved with drive and extension 

  2. Kingpar Callista; Lovely head, excellent outline, just needs to settle and learn her job(


Puppy Bitch (2,1)

  1. Pacolito Secret Image; Excellent head, excellent rough coat, correct topline, well angulated and balanced fore and aft, leading to excellent movement. Just a size bigger than I prefer, but still so much to like.


Junior Bitch (6,1)

  1. Pacolito Numero Uno; Nice size, typical outline, moved accurately with drive, good coat, well handled.

  2. Mindlen Double Trouble at Amgrantach; Close up to 1. Lovely outline, good head, moved well, eye a little round.

  3. Bethane Liberton Lassie; Another with lots to like about her, Excellent head, excellent coat, topline and feet could both be better.


Novice Bitch (3,1)

  1. Ucando Magic; Another nice one, lovely neck and shoulder, feminine head, excellent coat, correct topline, moved well.

  2. Aurgwen Meryl; Nice head, although ears a little wayward, excellent neck and shoulder, good angulation, kept pacing on the move


Graduate Bitch (2,0)

  1. Andralok Dazzler; Lovely bitch with real old-fashioned head, excellent neck and shoulder, excellent coat, correct topline, lovely correct easy movement, tail set correct but tail could be straighter.

  2. Goldfern Grand Cru; Much to appreciate here too. Excellent coat, good angulations, nice size, well handled to get the best from her on the move.


Post Graduate Bitch (8,0)

Three very typical bitches heading a good class

  1. Wind Beneath My Wings of Ruffntuff; Handy sized workmanlike bitch, moved well. Little short in rib.​

  2. Ammanday Apple; Close up to 1. Good mover, looked well in profile and kept correct topline.

  3. Pacolito Phirstpick to Maxtay; Excellent coat, good topline excellent shoulder and rib


Limit Bitch

Quality in depth here

  1. Digaden Glamouruss; See Above

  2. Kylini Spellsabound; Not quite the shoulder of 1, but more of a show girl. On another day could have taken top honours.

  3. Ardencote Tamanu;  Another that I really liked. Slightly bigger all round, excellent shoulder, lovely rib and good movement.

  4. ​


Open Bitch (16,4)

One of the best classes I have judged for quality right down the line. There were several bitches unplaced that on another day could have taken top honours.

  1. Ch Alncroft Tribute to Riplington; See above

  2. Kylini Mythnmyst; Another very lovely bitch, handled to perfection. Her coat was not quite as good as the Limit winner's today or she might have taken the RCC, but I was really splitting hairs.

  3. Pacolito Dymanti Prima Dona; Again very close up, excellent movement with great drive, lovely neck and shoulder.


Veteran Bitch (5,1)

  1. Ch Alne Foxglove; See Above

  2. Starlight Express at Olliebark; In fabulous condition for her age, excellent movement and lovely head with keen expression.

  3. Afinlea Garden Tiger;  Another that could show some of the youngsters how to move out. Lovely neck and shoulders. All these veterans were an absolute delight to judge. You should be very proud of them



  1. Kannangara's; well matched pair, moving in unison.

  2. Hughes'

  3. Hill, Muckle & Speight's


Barry Jones Special Progeny

  1. Ch Mister Bonamonty; Only one entry - but what an impressive line up which included BPIS, RBPIS.

2013 Spring
2013 Summer
2013 Championship

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