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1999 Club Show Results

Open Show Spring


Judge: Mr Broadstock


Best in Show: Trumpmoor Exmoor Able

Reserve Best in Show: Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic

Best Dog: Trumpmoor Exmoor Able
Reserve Best Dog: Glanpreseli Harry Houdini

Best Bitch: Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic
Reserve Best Bitch: Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic
Best VeteranCh. Mindlen Hollet of Muhlroos
Best Puppy in Show: Cylstlands First Rater

Minnor Puppy Dog (4,1)

  1. Hughes - Ruffntuff Ready Steady

  2. Bull - Aurgwen Cava

  3. Jackson - Lightship


Puppy Dog (7)

  1. Hussey-Wilford - Cylstlands First Rater

  2. Evans and Turner - Glanpreseli Pick Pocket

  3. Tagg - Rymshott Hagger


Junior Dog (11,1)

  1. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Tee Bone

  2. Cannell - Cony Island Jake

  3. Handy and Field - Fellshield Tanner


Novice Dog (5)

  1. Moore - Moonrepers Villan

  2. Evans and Turner - Glanpreseli Bill Skyes

  3. Rowntree - Roachhill Clearly Canadian


Graduate Dog (4,1)

  1. Cannell - Cony Island Jake

  2. Sollis - Lilyrose Mr Jolly

  3. Casey - Hoelio Mich


Post Graduate Dog (3,1)

  1. Evans and Turner - Glanpreseli Harry Houdini

  2. Bigland - Heythrop Trader


Open Dog (8,2)

  1. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Able

  2. Wood - Ardencote Target

  3. Harcourt-Morris - Lenacourt Laid of the Mist


Minor Puppy Bitch (9)

  1. Bigland - Heythrop Tenko

  2. Humphreys - Ratpack Street Walker

  3. Bygate - Windynook Twister


Puppy Bitch (12,3)

  1. Bygate - Windynook Bonny Lass

  2. Handy and Field - Fellshield Tamarisk

  3. Sollis - Fellshield Tansy 


Junior Bitch (11,3)

  1. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Trousseau

  2. Bull - Aurgwen Aurora Gale

  3. Handy and Field - Fellshield Our Girl


Novice Bitch (5)

  1. Hutchins - Raljo Fern of Ratpack 

  2. Cannell - Queen Bess of Pool

  3. Gibney- Glanpreseli Cincinatti


Graduate Bitch (7,1)

  1. Evans and Turner - Glanpreseli Rebecca Riot

  2. Bull - Aurgwen Amber

  3. Hughes - Trumpmoor Exmoor Amaze at Lisallwood


Post Graduate Bitch (8,2)

  1. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic

  2. Moore - Cylstlands Accolade

  3. Philp - Icepol Claremont Bonnie of Muhlross


Open Bitch (9,1)

  1. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Amour

  2. Bigland - Ardencote Tittletatle

  3. Evans and Turner - Howlback Sunrise at Glanpreseli


Veteran Dog or Bitch (8)

  1. Philp - Ch. Mindlen Hollet of Muhlroos

  2. Hutchin - Ratpack Hoolywood Spirit

  3. Ardencote Tanger


Brace (4)

  1. Hudges

  2. Moore

  3. Cannell


Junior Handling â€‹

Mrs M Broadstock

Class A 6-11 years (5,1) 

  1. Elizabeth Steel

  2. Nathen Dooner 

  3. Gareth Collin



Class B 12-16 years (5)

  1. Vicky Eggington

  2. Karen Shepherd

  3. Laura Smith 


Open Show Summer


Judge: Mr R Bigland


Best in Show: Rocky Hill at Riplington

Reserve Best in Show: Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic

Best Opposite Sex in Show: Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic

Best Dog: Rocky Hill at Riplington

Reserve Best Dog: Howlbeck Uno Piper 

Best Bitch: Howlbeck Mantary Mindlen

Reserve Best Bitch: Howlbeck Mantary Mindlen 

Best Puppy in Show: Howlbeck Uno Piper 



Minor Puppy Dog (0)​


Puppy Dog (5)

  1. Bull - Aurgwen Cava

  2. Murry and Miller - Mindlen Red Tag

  3. Hughes - Ruffntuff Ready Steady


Junior Dog (9,1)

  1. Simpson - Howlbeck Uno Piper 

  2. Hussy-Wilford - Clystlands Fist Rater

  3. Price - Andrralok Mad Mavrick


Novice Dog (3) 

  1. Bull - Aurgwen Jester Mo

  2. Doyle - Howlbeck Super Guy

  3. Evans and Turner - Glanpreseli Pick Pocket


Gradate Dog (9,2)

  1. Collis - Hardytown Turk at Riplington

  2. Philo - Quesera Fildla-on-the-Woof

  3. Doyle - Howlbeck Super Guy


Post Gradate Dog (8,2)

  1. Collis - Rocky Hill at Riplington

  2. Moore - Moonereapers Willian

  3. Philo - Quesera Qui Vive


Open Dog (4,1)

  1. Harcourt-Morris - Lenacourt Laird of the Mist

  2. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Able

  3. Collis - Riplington Bumpy Rhodes


Minor Puppy Bitch

  1. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Flightly 

  2. Hutchins - Ratpack Diamond's Return

  3. Hussy-Wilford - Clystlands Barn Dancer


Puppy Bitch (10)

  1. Murry and Miller - Mindlen Tarana

  2. Hutchins - Ratpack Teardrop

  3. Bygate - Windynook Bonny Lass


Junior Bitch (9,2)

  1. Bull and Broadstock - Fellshield Tanya

  2. Dooner - Jagen Gabriella Girl and Jappatin

  3. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Trousseau


Novice Bitch (5)

  1. Cannell - Mazengarb Miss Half Penny

  2. Hutchins - Raljo Fern of Ratpack

  3. Jackson - Captain's Lady


Gradate Bitch (8,2)

  1. Murry and Miller - Howlbeck Mantary Mindlen

  2. Bull - Aurgwen Aurora Gale

  3. Hutchins - Ratpack Faith Healer


Post Gradate Bitch (7,2)

  1. Evens and Turner -  Glanpreseli Rebecca Riot 

  2. Philp - Icepol Claremont Bonnie of Muhlross

  3. Moore - Clystlands Accolade 


Open Bitch (12,7)

  1. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic

  2. Collis - Riplington Sheep Shearer

  3. Cutler - Trumpmoor Exmoor Amour


Veteran Dog or Bitch (7,5)

  1. Murry and Miller - Mindlen Hairy Minnow

  2. Moore - Clystlands Pepperpot 


Brace (5,1)

  1. Moore

  2. Evans and Turner

  3. Hudges 



Championship Show


Judge: Mrs P Grayson


Best in Show: Ch. Mindlen Hoolet Of Muhlross

Reserve Best in Show: Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic

Best Opposite Sex: Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic

Dog CC: Ch. Mindlen Hoolet Of Muhlross
Reserve Dog CC: Howlbeck Uno-Piper

Bitch CC: Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic
Reserve Bitch CC: Fellshied Tiara
Best Veteran in Show: Ch Mindlen Hoolet of Mulhross
Best Puppy is Show: Holdobur He's A Cracker at Windynook




The Chase Leisure Centre at Cannock provided a worthy venue for the Parson Russell Club's third Ch show. Organised with flair & expertise by the hard working officers & committee. My thanks for the wonderful day they gave me, the cake, the gift & the card are all greatly treasured.

The only sad note, the absence of the much-revered president who died recently, before judging was observed in his memory. great loss to the club & the breed. A minute's silence.

A splendid & absorbing entry of 151 dogs, only 21 absentees. There was a great atmosphere round the ring & the ringside appreciation of the winners. The generous in their enthusiastic hunting cries for the CC winners sent a thrill through the hall. The exhibitors were most sporting & it was altogether a grand day. I thoroughly enjoyed my judging although I did not find it easy. This is a working terrier & must be judged from that perspective & not that of a show dog, it is a working dog in a show situation. If this is lost the breed will change & not for the better. Two monorchids & one wry mouth, only one who did not want to be handled. I hope topping & tailing is not going to become the norm. The breed looks at its best free standing.

Please do train the dogs to show without titbits! Some were quite difficult to examine on the table as the handlers would stuff food in their mouths. I found some heads untypical with forefaces far too long & some eyes too highset & wide apart. giving a strange 'frog' look. Far too many small teeth, many in narrow, weak underjaws; a working terrier needs large strong teeth well set in a strong jaw.

The lower jaw should be well developed with a firm chin, nothing else will hold large, useful teeth. As to coat colour, while most were white with the desired markings on head & root of tail, there were several with body markings & others with a lot of flecking in body coat. Size was variable. Many of the minor puppy dogs 1 thought far too big, just hope they do not grow on any more! At the top end of the scale I found some very nice Russells & decisions were close. In one or two classes I was spoilt for choice. I was very satisfied with the line-ups for the CC.,DCC & BIS was Ch Mindlen Hoolet of Mulhross from veteran, looking & moving more like a 2-year-old than a dog of 8 years! Newcomers wishing to start in the breed can do little better than study his size, movement. make, shape, head properties & superb muscling & take them a blueprint for all that is best in the breed. Here is a good looker that could fulfil all the requirements of the breed, well built but narrow enough to go to ground, balanced & with enough leg to run with a horse, & with that eagerness & intelligence in his eye & appearance so needed in the working terrier. BCC & RBIS, Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic, a real hard bitten bitch, fit & ready to work the next day. Just the size & overall body proportion with ribs well back to a strong, neat loin, nicely boned, tough feet & a well proportioned head with intelligent eye. This award I was told made her up congratulations & BP, Holdobur He's A Cracker at Windynook, he could live up to his name. The right size for age & looks all over a workman. Bone in proportion to body size, clean skull, nicely set cars, foreface of correct length, smart mover, intelligent eye, promising.


Minnor Puppy Bitch (10)

  1. Hutchins - Ratpack Rafle; Both right size for age, two smart pups with a bright intelligent outlook, correct bone for size. Rifle's ears. need to settle, just puppyish.

  2. Hutchins - Ratpack Rattlesnake; Rattlesnake can firm in body. Both smart movers. Just give them time​

  3. Simpson - Howlback Butch Cassidee


Puppy Dog (8)

  1. Bygate - Holdobur He's a Cracker at Windynook; As above

  2. Simpson - Howlback Butch Cassidee; well boned, good feet, moved strongly, nice size. Preferred shoulder of 1, ears need to settle

  3. Ross - Howlback Bobby Dazzler


Junior Dog (13,4)

  1. Price - Andralock Mad Mavrick; Good workmanlike type, nice size, nicely boned, easily spanned, clean skull, well set ears, right length foreface, in hard condition,

  2. Hussey-Wilford - Clystlands First Rater; good body & topline, very nice quality head, good bone & feet, spans easily. A little loose in front movement;

  3. Handy and Field - Fellshied Timothy 


Novice Dog (4,1)

  1. Bull - Aurgwen Ceva; Youngster of nice type, good neck & shoulder, strong topline, well set & carried tail, pleasing head of correct proportions, easy mover. spans

  2. Metcalfe - Howlbeck Stone-Waller At Cobbybeck; Nice size, good rib, pleasing head. Bit long in rear pastern. Rather over keen;

  3. Quarrell - Foxslate Trusty Tracker


Graduate Dog (7)

  1. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Tee Bone; Right size, good proportions to head, spans easily, good coat & tough pelt, active. Would prefer a little more lay to shoulder

  2. Price - Andralock  Mad Mavrick

  3. Bygate - Windynook Miner Sammy

Graduate Dog (15,1)

  1. Rowntree's - Roachill Clearly Canadian; very well put together & balanced, excellent coat & pelt, spans easily. nicely boned, good legs & feet, good type head, dark intelligent eye, excellent mouth, smart mover

  2. Collis- Hardytown Turk of Riplington; good working type, very well muscled, moved freely, strong topline, good tailset, typey head;

  3. A Mad Maverick.


Limit Dog (12,2)

  1. Simpson - Howlbeck Uno-Piper; very nice in all respects. Good rib set well back to strong loin, well muscled all over. strong quarters. excellent bone, feet & hind leg, strong neck, well laid shoulders. clean quality skull. correct length of foreface, dark eyes. neat ears, spans easily, good coat & pelt, free & active on move. Pressed hard for top spot, should easily get his crown

  2. Dooner - Jagan Jerry Springer and Jappatin; Nice dog but a bit rounder in rib. Good bone, legs, feet & hind leg, nice type of head, good coat & pelt, free mover

  3. Thompson and Winn - Roachhill Spick N Span


Open Dog (13,1)

  1. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Able;  Another knocking on the door. All over a worker, hard as nails, nice size & overall proportions, correct bone for expressive eye, size, good feet & hind leg, right proportions to head, neat ears, dark easily spanned, excellent coat & pelt, moved freely, a very nice dog;

  2. Tagg - Howlbeck Rymshott Able Lad;  Another good one on his way to the top. Correct rib, strong loin & quarters, good bone, tough feet, good typical head, dark eye, spans easily, good coat & pelt, moved well;

  3. Harcourt-Morris - Lenacourt Laid of the Mist; trio of very good Russells.


Veteran Dog (1)

  1. Philp - Ch. Mindlen Hoolet Of Muhlross; As Above 

Minnor Puppy Bitch (11,4)

  1. Hutchins - Ratpack Red Hot; nice size for age, good bone, feet & hind leg, pleasing head with keen bright outlook, right amount of rib with good carry back to strong loin, very nice mover

  2. Wood's - Jagen Kelly Brook at Ardencote; nice balance to head, keen eye, good bone & feet. Preferred rib of 1. Excellent coat & pelts 

  3. Simpson - Howlbeck Pick Me Up


Puppy Bitch (8,2)

  1. Sollis -  Moonlight Shadow; right size for age, Nicely constructed with correct rib, clean foreface, good flat skull, correct length eye, keen expression, pleased in bone, feet & hind leg, very smart mover, promising;

  2. Hussey Wilford - Clystlands Barn Dancer;  nice type, very good head, well constructed, good bone & feet. Can lose a little weight to advantage. Slimmed down should make her mark;

  3. Simpson- Howlbeck Pick Me Up.


Junior Bitch (19,1)

  1. Bygate's - Windynook Bonny Lass; good size & construction, good bone, feet & hind leg, very smart mover, good clean skull, correct foreface, bright intelligent expression, spans easily, coat & pelt please;

  2. Morrison -  Belmorr Inogen; similar, all white with correct markings, correct head, strong topline, good tailset, free mover, spans easily, coat & pelt good

  3. Cannell'- Mazengarb Miss Money Penny


Novice Bitch (12,3)

  1. Collis - Riplington Free For All;  very nice promising puppy, all white with a little head marking. Lovely dark expressive eyes, full of life & a free mover. Good neck & shoulder, feet. bone, tropline & tail please, good coat & pelt. Should be heard of again;

  2. Thompson & Winn - Roachill Yorkshire Rose; nice type head. Could have a shade more bone and  not shoulder of 1. Nicely bodied, good coat & pelt, bright & active

  3. Dooner -  Muhlross Craigellachie at Jappatin


Graduate Bitch (10)

  1. Cutler - Trumpmoor Exmoor Trousseau; very nicely put together, right size, excellent topline & tailset, good clean flat skull, correct foreface, dark expressive eye, spans, well muscled, very sound on move;

  2. Handy & Field-  Fellshied Our Girl; neat & smart, very nice typical head. Would like a little more length to rib, otherwise very pleasing. Spans easily.

  3. Jackson - Jagen Alice Cooper at Cobbybeck.


Post Graduate Bitch (17,0)

  1. Handy & Field - Fellshied Tamarisk; very well constructed & an excellent free mover. Well laid shoulder, good neck, bone & feet, very good type head, keen eye neat ears, spans easily, excellent coat & pelt

  2. Bull's - Aurgwen Carys; nice head, good topline but rather short dock. Good rib & loin, well-coated spans, good mover

  3. Gibney - Gudaljara Witchcraft.​


Limit Bitch (7,3)

  1. Handy & Field - Fellshied Tiara; very pleasing overall, well constructed & balanced, free mover, clean skull, good foreface, dark expressive eye, good teeth, excellent topline & tailset, spans easily, well coated, good pelt

  2. Handy & Field- Fellshied Tell Tale; very similar & the decision could have gone either way. Two topping bitches

  3. Heatherington - Brambleway Bagsabuzz at Jarot.


Open Bitch

  1. Cutler - Trumpmoor Exmoor Antic; As Above 

  2. Handy & Field - Fellshied Top Talent: lovely bitch in all respects, clean flat skull, good foreface, well shaped eye with keen expression, well constructed body, good legs & feet, moves on a nice stride, spans easily, good coat & pelt

  3. Simpson - Howlbeck Mini-Gale; Three good bitches.


Veteran Bitch (3,2)

  1. Wood- Ardencote Tanager old favourite now 9 & still full of life, hard & fit. A very good bitch with desired characteristics in body & head If she had been born later would surely have had her title


Brace (7,3)

  1. Handy & Field

  2. Moore

  3. Matecalfe




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