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1997 Club Show Results

Open Show Spring


Judge: Mr P Tompson


Best in Show: Howlbeck Blue Prince 

Reserve Best in Show: Trumpmoor Exmoor Truelass

Best Oposite Sex in Show; Trumpmoor Exmoor Truelass

Best Dog: Howlbeck Blue Prince 
Reserve Best Dog: Guestwick April Skipper of Ratpack

Best Bitch: Trumpmoor Exmoor Truelass
Reserve Best Bitch: Winnie the Witch of Hardytown
Best Puppy: Glanpreseli Maggie

Reserve Best Puppy: Windynook River Tyne

Minnor Puppy Dog (4)

  1. Gibney - Gudaljara Wandering Star;

  2. Evans and Turner - Glanpreseli Zipadee Doodah

  3. Bigland - Heythrop Trader


Puppy Dog (10,2)

  1. Bygate - Windynook River Tyne 

  2. Philo - Quesera Qui Vive

  3. Wood -  Ardencote Titan


Junior Dog (4,1)

  1. Kime - Foxtales Earth Bound

  2. Goodwin - Barsetta You Hoo

  3. Radford - Burrvalley Eastern Star


Novice Dog (7,2)

  1. Culter - Trumpmoor Exmoor Flashman

  2. Evans and Turner - Glanpreseli Zipadee Doodah

  3. Campbell - Lenacourt Laplander


Graduate Dog (10,3)

  1. Hutchins - Holwbeck Tiger Tango for Palcolito

  2. Simpson - Holwbeck Uno Who

  3. Handy and Field - Fellshield Tattlejack


Post Graduate Dog (7,1)

  1. Hutchins - Guestwick April Skipper of Ratpack

  2. Collis - Riplington Bumpy Rhodes

  3. Allen - Hardytown Leroy


Open Dog (12,2)

  1. Allen - Howlbeck Blue Prince 

  2. Cutler - Trumpmoor Exmoor Able

  3. Price - HowlBeck Izzy-Rite for Jagen


Minor Puppy Bitch (8,3)

  1. Evans and Turner - Glanpreseli Maggie

  2. Cutler - Trumpmoor Exmoor Amore

  3. Wood -  Ardencote Tribute 


Puppy Bitch (14,4)

  1. Collis - Riplington Sheep Shearer

  2. Allen - Alne Sun Up

  3. Handy and Field - Fellshield Tesasel


Junior Bitch (9,3)

  1. Hindle - Hindlewalt Iveys Girl

  2. Simpson - Howlbeck Mini Gale

  3. Tebbs - Furritis Felicity


Novice Bitch (6,2)

  1. Cutler - Trumpmoor Exmoor Actress

  2. Francis - Jagen Miss Mischief

  3. Godwin - Young Romance

Graduate Bitch (9,3)

  1. Handy and Field - Fellshield Talltale

  2. Moore - Clystlands Accolade

  3. Collis - Riplington Free Sample


Post Graduate Bitch (8,3)

  1. Cutler - Trumpmoor Exmoor Anitc

  2. Simpson- Glanpreseli Hey Jude

  3. Gibney - Gudaljara Cinnamon


Open Bitch (7,1)

  1. Cutler - Trumpmoor Exmoor Truelass

  2. Allen - Winnie the Witch of Hardytown

  3. Evans and Turner - Howlbeck Sunrise at Glanpreseli


Veteran Dog or Bitch (1,1)​


Brace (6,2)

  1. Moore

  2. Allen

  3. Culter




 First Club Championship Show


Judge: Mr P Creed


Best in Show: Winny the Witch of Hardytown

Reserve Best in Show: Bridevale Flert

Best Opposite Sex: Mindlen Hoolet of Muhlross

Dog CC: Mindlen Hoolet of Muhlross
Reserve Dog CC: Glenholm Erik of Belmorr 

Bitch CC: Winny the Witch of Hardytown
Reserve Bitch CC: 
Bridevale Flert
Best Veteran in Show: Glenholm Erik of Belmorr
Best Puppy in Show: 
Alne Wythycomb at Hindlew

Reserve Best Puppy in Show: Howlbeck Rymshott Able Lad 



Just prior to undertaking the appointment to judge the clubs first championship show, the enormity of the occasion suddenly hit me, for any breed in it's infancy the utmost care must be exercised. Not only has the ultimate word 'type' to play a major part, bit in the selection and line up of all exhibits, one is giving their interpretation of the breed standard as we saw it in those early days.

I was delighted to what lovely level entry forward, which was complimentary in itself. Above all, the presentation has improved in leaps and bounds. The lovely double coat can take many weeks to bring to perfection, nail trimming is a job call for great patience to eliminate the nail scratching sounds so marked in an indoor arena.

Breeding has on the whole been very carefully thought out, temperament is a lot better and the general schooling of exhibits a credit to their owners (not an easy task, I have done it). After the bouquets there must obviously be an element of concern and in 1997 it is feet. Never forget the all important factor, thsat correct feet with clean, tight pads are so essential to enable the "Parson" to efficiently undertake the tasks for which he was intended.

this was the most memorable day in the history of the Parson Jack Russell since it was re established with the Kennel Club and I was privileged to be part of it.


Minnor Puppy Dog (7,1)

  1. Hurditch - Fellshied Tankard; good head, lovely reach of neck, good flat rib, level top, right length of  back and tailset

  2. Bull - Aurgwen Ieuaun Mawr; old fashioned Parson, good in head, reach of neck, excellent body anfd loin, lost out on movement

  3. Reid - Aurgwen Ianto Cwmebwy; 


Puppy Dog (12, 1)

  1. Simpson - Howlbeck Danlio; good strong 9 month pup, excellent mouth, lovely body, moved well

  2. Evans and Turner - Glanpreseli Harry Houdini; good all round terrier with plenty of bone. had to bow to one on movement

  3. Cantrell - Pacolito Magic Mushroom;


Junior Dog (11,2)

  1. Tagg - Howlbeck Rymshott Able Lad; Liked his head, good front, plenty of bone, moved well. 

  2. Richards - Barsetta Edward; essentially a good working terrier, lovely tight feet, length of neck, good behind and moved well.

  3. Evans and Turner - Glanpreseli Harry Houdini;


Novice Dog (7)

  1. Evans and Turner - Glanpreseli Zipadee Doodah; Of excellent type, correct mouth, good reach of neck, level top and length of back, liked his hindquarters, moved well.

  2. Went - Clystlands Rocket; Good sort of terrier, correct mouth and teeth, nice body, fair mover, must not grow anymore

  3. Cantrell - Pacolito Magic Mushroom


Graduate Dog (10,1)

  1. Cutler - Trumpmoor Exmoor Flashman; this first class working terrier and all the essentials, good mouth of teeth with excellent head, nice body and tailset


Post Graduate Dog (11)

  1. Collis - Riplington Guzzler Gough; good representative of the breed, excellent double coat, lovely rib, overall well balanced 

  2. Copping - Corsstrees Trigger; Good Type, handy size, good body and top-line, needed to settle on the move

  3. Hutchins - Guestwick April Skipper of Ratpack


Limit Dog (9,2)

  1. Allen - Howlbeck Blue Prince; Smart Terrier on his toes, lovely head, good mouth, tight feet, excellent double coat, Moved well

  2. Richards - Barsetta Vampire; Of good type, movement and coat, little divided on these two

  3. Hussey Wilford - Clystlands Reveller 


Open Dog (12,2)

  1. Philip - Mindlen Hoolet of Muhlross; What a cracker, his coat could have been better, other then that i could not fault him.

  2. Samways - Cassarce Boatswain; How disappointed I was in him. for so long a favourite of mine, has all the essential of a true Parson. He did not help his owner and looked thoroughly miserable throughout the whole class.

  3. Price - HowlBeck Izzy-Rite for Jagen


Veteran Dog (2)

  1. Morrison - Glenholm Erik of Belmorr; Lovely head, good coat, super mouth and teeth, in excellent condition, pressed hard for top spot

  2. Copping - Romaco Troy Boy; Good old fashioned type of terrier carrying his years well.

Minnor Puppy Bitch (8,1)

  1. Shivers - Alne Strawberry Hill; Fluent moving, good head, flat rib, lovely double coat.

  2. Hutchins - Ratpack Working Girl; Another in the same mould as one, not moving so well in front

  3. Simpson - Holwbeck Pebble Spinner;


Puppy Bitch (12,1)

  1. Hindle - Alne Wythycomb at Hindlew; a beautiful pup this was, oozed femininity with lovely movement, good lay of shoulder, credit to young lady handler

  2. Handy and Field - Fellshield Tiara; This is some lovely stock from this kennel, lovely dark eye, good movement. Needs to Settle

  3. Hutchins - Ratpack Working Girl;


Junior Bitch (15,4)

  1. Cutler - Trumpmoor Exmoor Amore; Good hard bitten bitch, lovely dark eye and flat rib, excellent mouth of teeth, moved well

  2. Philip - Icepol Claremount Bonnie of Muhlross; Nice standing, movement let her down

  3. Ward-Barden - Clystlands Charron;


Novice Bitch (8,4)

  1. Hutchins - Ratpack Gangsters Moll; As her name suggests, good movement and topline, best of mouths, set of with best of coats

  2. Murry and Miller - Mindlen Feather Duster; Liked her, has all the essentials of a Parson. coat not her best and movement erratic. 

  3. Hurditch - Hindlewalt Moonlight;


Graduate Bitch (14)

  1. Simpson - Howlbeck Mini Gale; Lovely bitch, good fluent movement. coat not at its best but a worthy winner.

  2. Haldane - Glenholm Belle Lucie Of Broxmoth; Good type of Parson, good mouth of teeth, lovley flat rib. seemed a little disinterested in proceedings

  3.  Collis - Riplington Sheep Shearer;


Post Graduate Bitch (17,1)

  1. Collis - Riplington Free Sample; She made me look twice, good head, lovely angle and excellent topline, moved well​

  2. Hindle- Clystlands Unity; Typical of the kennel of origin. good head. could have put more into her showing

  3. Sammways - Belmorr Eight Belles Cassacre;


Limit Bitch (17,3)

  1. Handy and Field - Fellshield Talltale; Good head, Plenty of bone, good topline and tailset, moved well

  2. Harcourt- Morris - Belmorr Dash of Lenacourt; Very little separated these two expect 2 was not as settled as 1

  3. Milne - Glenholm Cralzie


Open Bitch (11,4) 

  1. Allen - Winny the Witch of Hardytown; Really took my eye, came into the ring to win, typical Parson head, super feet and moved like a champion. CC her third, the first ever PJR Champion

  2. Harcourt- Morris - Bridevale Flert; What a Grand little lady this is, the best shoulder of the day, lovely double coat, marked to perfection, pressed 1 oh so hard

  3. Handy and Field - Fellshield Top Talent



Veteran Bitch (2)

  1. Wood- Ardencote Tananger; What a grand old Lady this is which is reflected in the stock she has produced 

  2. Samways Ridley Rebecca of Cassacre; Another who has served the breeder proud. Moment just lost her the edge


Brace (9)

  1. Moore

  2. Allen

  3. Handy and Field



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